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PRODUCT UPDATE BULLETIN 12 - September 12th 2012

Based upon a suggestion and feedback from Adam Sharif of SFP Group on the Webroot Community at:, we have made a change this week to the Webroot SecureAnywhere Business – Endpoint Protection console that is designed to make it far simpler and quicker to clean-up any infected endpoints.


       Infected Endpoint Cleanup Icon Command – Clicking Endpoints need attention from within the Management Website Status page, or viewing the Endpoints with threats on last scan report, now offers the administrator a Clean Up Now icon that sends the cleanup agent command.
Infected Endpoint Cleanup Icon Command

       As a result of requests made through the Webroot Business Community, we have simplified the process of cleaning up infected endpoints. Many of our customers run their endpoints in Audit Mode, meaning the administrator has to clean up the endpoint manually. This involved using a multi-step process via Group Management.
        Now, by clicking Endpoints need attention from within the Management Website’s Status page, or viewing the Endpoints with threats on last scan report, an administrator can use the Clean up Now icon to send the cleanup agent command. When you click the icon, the endpoint is scanned and any threats found are quarantined.
        "Endpoints need attention" on the Status page
        New "Clean Up Now" icons on Status page
        By clicking the icon next to the user or hostname, you send the cleanup command to that endpoint, speeding up the process considerably.
             New "Clean Up Now" icons on the Reports page
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