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Hello, there.

I'm Japanese and was a webroot customer who used webroot's Antivirus security software in another country before.

I wanted to inquire about a new product, and knew the presence of a Japanese distributor ( ウェブルート株式会社 ), then called them ( 0120-633-601 ).

The following conversation is with the Japanese male personnel for the customer support of webroot's Japanese distributor:

I: "I'd like to know about the product named WiFi security."

He: "What? Did you ask me about WiFi?"

I: "Please listen carefully. I didn't say so. I told you the product's name."

He: "Oh no. You said WiFi! "

I: "Excuse me, what are you talking about?

You don't have the product named WiFi security, do you?"

He: "We have the product. Then, what?"

I: .....( An idiot Japanese male personnel came out of the call...)

I: "Do you have also the monthly contract for the product?"

He: "Maybe, we have only an annual contract."

I: "I've seen there were the both types on the US official web page, though?"

He: "Well, maybe, both."

I: "Oh, you didn't know that. So, How many devices does it apply to? "

He: "Only 3...I think."

I: "But, Webroot in other countries say that you can choose 3 or 5 devices."

He: " Hold on, I'll check it...(10 min. later) Ah, it seems to be also 5."

I: "In every inquiry, you're not going to provide exact information.

But, you say you're customer support for Japanese market.

Then, How can I purchase it?

From other countries' official web sites, it seems that I can buy it on the web site through my PC."

He: "Never. we don't deal with PC but Android phone only.

Go to Google play. Do you know that? Create account for Webroot using the Gmail registerd on it."

I: "Why do you need Gmail account? Are you Google play? It's funny."

He: " Weeell, Other e-mail addresses might be used for Webroot's account."

I: " And, you're not sure, are you?"

He: " Do you think I'm an idiot? Did you say I'm an idiot?"

I: "You're welcome. Go on. How much is that?"

He: "I don't know."

I: "Do you not know the price of the products you are selling?"

He: " I'm in Australia."

I: " What? I'm making a call to Japanese office. The number is on your website."

He: " Japanese address and Japanese phone number are never connected.

Australia only. "

(By the way, the distributor's office address on the website is in the building that many companies share the address name only.)

I: " So, Why are you a distributor for Japanese customers' market?"

He: "Australia! "

I: "OK,OK. So, look at the price list for the products."

He: "I'm in Australia. So, I don't know about Japanese Yen. Hold on 30 min. I might check Yen!"

I: ( I've never met such a complete idiot man so far...)


I simply doubt why the headquarter of Webroot has designated this idiots' group (company?) as the distributor for the Japanese market.

Further more, there is more serious problem.

The man who is the CEO (伊藤 誉三) of this company registered in App called "eight".

He left his self-introduction only in the registered in App.

(The authenticity of the content is also suspicious)

The App is run by a Japan issued company called "sansan".

The company distributes the free App that can scan and store people's business cards in the App.

However, they sell the personal data and use it for online advertising...

The employees of the Webroot's Japanese distributor may have been hired by using the App.

There is also a suspicion that the CEO was using the registerd services of "eight"

to sell the collected people's information and use them for advertising through another company. ( In actually, he has also an another Japan issued company. )

In other words, the distributor is not a subsidiary of "Carbonite", nor "Webroot".

The distributor is owned by just a suspicious male who issues Japanese name.

And, their work opposites to webroot's security policy.

They are not reliable to Japanese customers and Webroot.

The Webroot's headquarter should make them get fired.

Japan is a big market.

We hope Webroot is stand for their customers as the reliable software company for security .
Hi @jpweb , I'm sorry to hear about this experience; it's almost hard to believe! I'm going to report this exchange to our support leadership to ensure this never happens again.

I will PM you to figure out if we can schedule a time for you to talk with someone in management as well. I want to get this ironed out.


