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Avast SecuredLine VPN is attempting to sell itself to me, Do I need another security product?

Howdy, this is my first time to visit and I hope to again. 

Of course I begin with a problem, hope not to cause any.

So happy to meet you all (?) said hoping there are lots and lots

of y'all there to help me with understanding stuff that is always

popping up. Oh, you know what I mean.

The subject line I have filled says: Avast SecuredLine VPN is attempting to sell itself to me, do I need another security product?  I have Webb Root, I believe that is complete security, but OH NO, what if Im wrong?

Help me before the worst possible happens.

Then ask me anything you need help with.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hello kalie_doe
Welcome to the Webroot Community,
Webroot is all you need. No worries ...Webroot has your back;) Stay away from any popups!


Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Sorry  ? I forgot to show you the Knowledge Base artricle here
And the online PC User Guide here
Are you having issues with popups in your browser?
Hope this helps?
