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can you help me out
Hi Atmass


Welcome to the Webroot Community.


I personally don't know of any free Driver Support other then Microsoft Windows updates.


Windows usually will give you the needed driver updates for you computer/ Or you can go to the manufacturer of your computer to their website and get driver updates by finding your model of PC. Like for example Dell, Gateway., HP, .etc. I wouldn't  use any free driver support programs or even any paid ones if this was me because I have had poor results and it can damage your system if you install the wrong drivers.


Hope this helps?
? can you explain your quest for assistance a bit more please? What do you need for which hardware & which operating system... One thing please don't go install those driver check & update tools because that's a piece of ***** (think of something that would result in a bleep ). You really ruin your system with those tools.

IF you tell us the details i asked then maybe we can guide you to the right location where to find them.
Hi there thanks for the reply... I keep getting these messages telling me my drivers are out dated.  This why I am asking... I am like you, I don't feel I can trust everything I see on the internet..  I ran some checks myself and my system tells me my drivers r ok for the various hardware in my pc.  Thanks again, I needed that reassurence, from someone who will  know more then I do. I will have to get someone who can get that idiot message gone.  Pops up in the middle of things I do on m y pc. Thanks again.
Hello Atmass,


Please read below:


What you are seeing and describing sounds like it may be what we on the Community refer to as a PUA. (Potentially Unwanted Application) These are very annoying at best in that they cause pop-us, redirect your browser home page, and other behavior that may slow down the computer and direct ads your way, but they are not actually doing anything bad like damaging files or stealing information. Often they are installed intentionally by you the user as browser add-ons for various tasks such as quick search tools.. but they also come with the result of added annoying pop-ups and ads. Other times they 'piggy back' with other software that you installed, or try to 'sneak' onto your system entirely.


WSA does detect and remove many PUA's, and more are being added, but WSA does not detect all of them. A simple browser add-on with PUA behavior that is easy to identify and easy to remove is not likely to be detected and removed by WSA. Those that are intentionally difficult to locate and remove are. Please see THIS LINK for more information regarding Webroot's stance on these annoying programs.


For those that are not detected by WSA, please see this KB Article. It has some easy to follow directions on locating and removing PUA's. You may also want to submit a Trouble Ticket, especially if you cannot remove it easily from the directions in the KB Article.


For those that ARE detected by WSA, but cannot be removed automatically, you can submit a Trouble Ticket.  Webroot Support will help you get these annoying 'crapware' off your computer at no extra charge, and the additional examples may help to better automatic removal of that particular PUA for all users in the future.
? read what Ssherjj wrote about about PUA's because what she said is right. I'm running a 10 year old machines based on drivers that would qualify as musea material ( there are no current drivers for windows 10 on my system as it's not even certified to run windows 7 ) and i am not getting those messages. So it's a scam. Be cautious.

