• 23 July 2015
  • 2 replies

tHIS HAS BEEN way too hard to get in!  so I'm a perturbed person just now...Webroot acted like they didn't know me yet it appears they've been  watching   and accepted my money.  When I use/have Webroot  I suppose I should get rid of   and deny any other "cleaners"?
RE SUBJECT:   If we like it   should I take recomendations to remove programs?  I like to travel light

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Just to add to what Daniel has advised...if I may?  You are perfectly entitled to take advice from any source that you see fit to use, and I am sure that many here consult a number of sources other than Webroot.
Personally, I am wary of sources that pop up on the Internet (and I am not saying that the one that you are referring to is new) and claim to provide definitive knowledge in relation to things as dangerous as malware well as other types of programs.
My personal view is if you do not need an application that is installed then by all means remove it, via normal means, but just because a site suggests that something should be removed does not mean that you is back to the question of do you use/need it...something that one person views as undesirable is not necessarily the case for the next person.
Bottom line is check it out from multiple sources and don't rush into anything in relation to this.
Just my thoughts on the subject...for what they are worth. ;)
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
I wouldn't use or recommend it!
