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Hello Community,


I have been with Webroot as a technician for about 2 months now, and enjoying every minute of it. I would like to add that the product that is offered is a step into the future.


So enough about Webroot and more about me now since this is introduction threads. I am a College graduate from DeVry University. My degree is Bachelor's in Computer Information Systems (CIS) with a web design major. I am currently attending Keller University while keeping my full time job with webroot in the journey of a Master's in Business Administration (MBA)


I enjoy free time with friends and family and like to make life as simple as needed.
Hi there Nirouku,


Glad to have you here in the Webroot Community :D





Hello Nirouku, Welcome to the Webroot Forum. 😃
Welcome Nirouku to webroot Community Forums!


Welcome to the community!!
Welcome! It's so great to have you here with us!
