
Hello everyone!

  • 1 October 2017
  • 5 replies

I am new.  To this community.  I love games and can be found at WarThunder as Ben_Laggin.  Or found at Elite (yeah, I know).  I use Steam (yeah, I know).  Its best for my purpose.
I have only found one problem, still present, that I amunable to find the anwer.  It not a comp problem.
I love jokes and poems.
Since I am on an old comp right now I do not have access.....but...hmm
A person at Webroot  kept losing items and had no backups.  He was fired.  At a new job interview he said at the place where you list your prior employment:  "I lost it and I am now not backed up.  I am looking for a new position as a back-up manager"
Wish ya had spell checker lol!!!

Best answer by Baldrick 1 October 2017, 00:42

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5 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi Ben_Laggin
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Glad to have you with us. Please take a look at our Getting Started Guide; put together by the Community Management Team to assist new member like yourself get to know us & what we do.
If you have an follow up questions please do not hesitate to post back.
Regards, Baldrick
Userlevel 7
Greetings, @!
I had to check out War Thunder as I hadn't heard of it...looks like a ton of fun :manhappy:

It is FUN and it's one game I still am drawn towards.  However, I simply refuse to pay for it hehe.  I have a great line up and it does pay for itself to play.  Great scences.
I do actually have one small problem at the moment.  I am charged twice for 79.99 on this last 30th and once more on 9/19/2017.  I think I should have gotten upgraded cheaper as I was a member then and for awhile now.
What to do?  The charges are still pending on the 30th ones.
Userlevel 7
Hi Ben_Laggin
I would recommend that you contact the Sales Team for the location that you are in, and raise the issue with them. If you have indeed been billed twice they should be able to sort out a refund. You can call during normal business hours:
US: https://tel:+18666124268
UK: https://tel:+4408008047014
With regards to "I think I should have gotten upgraded cheaper as I was a member then and for awhile now."...if you are referring to membership of the Community then I am afraid to say that this confers no discount on renewal. If you are referring to being an existing user then the renewal price should be discounted.
But contact the relevant Sales Team and they will sort that out for you.
Regards, Baldrick
