Hello From Florida

  • 3 February 2012
  • 6 replies

I thought I would join just in case there is something I need to hear about or discuss.
You know how it is, it isn't a problem until suddenly, it is!
My handle works on yahoo messenger if someone wants to reach me.
OK, time to go see what's going on around here

6 replies

Hopefully, I can reply to all of you with this, I appreciate the greetings! Also I intend to come around and keep learning about web security and life in general. By the way, this latest version of Webroot anti virus is practically seamless and unobtrusive. You literally can forget about it and yet, not worry. Well done!
Userlevel 5
Welcome, Hoss! It's great to have you here.
Userlevel 4
Hi there,
Welcome to the Webroot Community and thanks for joining from sunny Florida!   It's a beautiful, sunny and warm February day here in California as well :p
As our Community grows you will find more and more information related to staying "Safe" out there on the Internet and of course, how SecureAnywhere will protect you against the latest threats.  Feel free to post any questions you may have about SecureAnywhere and let's get the conversation started !
Userlevel 4
A big hello and welcome from Colorado Hoss! Great to have you!!
Userlevel 7
Badge +4
Well, thanks Hoss!  We appreciate the feedback.  And we'll see if we can give you all the tips and tricks we come across. Have a great day!  (Those of us in CO are pretty jealous of warm FL right about now!)
Hey C, I lived in Col. for 3 years several years ago, 2 feet of snow is nothing, well, except when the sun comes back out, it can blind you, or if you slip on the ice beneath and break a bone, or strain your back getting it off your drive way, or the weight on your roof causes a collapse, other than that, looking at it out your window is just so zen or heavenly. But i feel your pain in a way, the ac is on too high here in this mcdonalds and I am freezing! But I will soon be back outside. lol
take care
