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Hello Sports Fans

  • 30 August 2012
  • 7 replies

I'm a newby here but would like to be a "reglar".  I have been messing with the hardware end for 25 years or more.  I leave the software up to you egg heads but if it's hardware...unless it's just broke...most times I can make it work when no one else can.  If you have plenty of just buy new...but po' folk have to try to make the stuff they have plod on.  i'm not your average twerp (not that there's anything wrong with that) but I live out in the rural setting where people are struggling for every dime.  Computer work is not a priortiy until it goes out on the farm and farmer JOHN has lost his data for 800 milk cows .  lol...he doesn't want to spend $1000 for a new unit but he'll pay me $2000 to get what he had back.  BACK UP?  HUH?  When I finish with them, they know how to back up and forward, how to type, how to spell their name.  It's not just about fixing the's a whole education for them..  Anyways...i'm proud to be an American helping Americans.
Hi. I'm new here too. Where did you find out about webroot?
Welcome chatilingus to the Webroot Community Forums!




Hello chatilingus, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. 😃
that is all i have to say.


now and then i think when we were together

like when you said you felt so happy you could die

told myself you were right for me

but felt so lonely in your company can be addicted to a certain kind of sadness



yo....i'll admit i was glad to get things over



yuk , yuk, yuk


hankyew, hankyew


good to be a citizen here in the world of root


i bow to your rootness.  blessed be the web and your kind rooted .  if i have a prollm...i will be veritas with you ...


thank you very much.


i am late responding but you may know...the cows still need to be milked and the pigs fed.  i kid you knot.  it is a tough life here on the farm so we try to have fun at most any chance.  not to be disrepectful...but i doubt too many of the formites have these knowlege of utters. 


so far i am lovin the webroot.  no prollems no situations no disconcerting anomalies...and all is good in the land of grazing
