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:catsad:I know it is not a very good way to start off an intro saying that I need help, but isn't that what we are here for?  I downloaded the new Office 2013; Outlook will not process email.  It will connect to the incoming server, but will not send the test email.  I kept getting an error message.  I finally found out what the error code meant. ( Error 0x800CCC0F when sending or receiving email. Usually caused by Antivirus software scanning email, but antispam scanners may cause Outlook to return this error as well. Disable the email scanning or increase the timeout setting. Also, make sure your firewall is allowing the scanner software to connect to the Internet).


As you can see, I need to figure out how to increase the timeout setting.  Does anyone have an idea on how to do this?  I read through the instruction manual until I was blurry eyed and I still cannot figure it out.  I really do need to use Outlook, now more then ever.  My husband is getting ready to switch internet providers.  He has never used the one we have; he uses his work address.  I have used the address for over 12 years.  Now I will have to change all of my addresses to my domain name.  I will have to have a way to pick up that mail and have it sent to outlook as well.  I won't be able to use the at&t website much longer.


I promise I will tell you more later....other then the fact that I have been suffering with kidney stones for two weeks....why can't those be in virtual reality?


Thanks.  I will be praying for a result.




I suggest posting it here.
Thanks Lyle, but according to the error code the change needs to be made to the security software, not their software.

I am keeping that site for future reference, though, because I know I will need it.

Any other ideas....please..Thanks again.
Have you opened a support ticket with Webroot?
I'm very sure that it is not WSA causing this issue you must be missing a setting in Outlook 2013 as this setting here is not set useless you do it yourself.






Thanx Daniel for jumping in. I completely missed it!
Thanks. I have that set. Any other ideas. I was just going with the code that they gave me. Also I probably should not be setting up anything in the shape I am in, terrible pain for two weeks with kidney stones...doctors trying all kinds of pain meds...I could mess up something, but my hubby got me the computer and gets sad if I don't set up everything he gets make me feel better....
a support ticket? No. I guess I need to see where I go and do that.

Sorry I am so out of it.

Thanks for your patience.


**The original link was for business support specifically - edited for generic link.
@ wrote:

Thanks. I have that set. Any other ideas. I was just going with the code that they gave me. Also I probably should not be setting up anything in the shape I am in, terrible pain for two weeks with kidney stones...doctors trying all kinds of pain meds...I could mess up something, but my hubby got me the computer and gets sad if I don't set up everything he gets make me feel better....
I think it would be best to contact your Internet Service Provider as they can help you set up Outlook 2013 with the proper settings needed as every provider uses different settings to be able to connect to there email servers. And I'm sure it's nothing to do with Webroot SecureAnywhere. ;)


Opening a Support Ticket is the best way to proceed so that we can collect logs and investigate further. SecureAnywhere does not scan your email and uses on-execution protection that is explained in the video below.


If SecureAnywhere "Misses" a Virus
Thanks Triple Helix. I did spend time with my ISP. We went over every setting and they checked the equipment by sending stuff and it worked. Today I tried the special phone number that came with the program. It routed me through bestbuy then a service tech from Webroot. He said it was not the software, but to be on the safe side he reloaded it. We tried to get Outlook to work again and no luck. We tried shutting down Webroot and no luck. I thanked him etc. I went and had a bite to eat and remembered oh no, I did not turn the protection back on....guess what, while I was gone, the email down loaded. Of course it won't do it again, but now, I know it is the virus protection. I can't leave it off all the time to let my email flow in freely. Do you think I should put in another service ticket and tell them what happened?
Your very Welcome and it's best for a Webroot Staff member to help you from here on as they can look at your support ticket and give you further instructions!




Turn the protection back ON..............Click on Identity & Privacy/click View Protected Applications.................Is Outlook listed? If not add it!

Worth a try anyway!
