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Let me introduce myself.

My given name is Adrianus, quite a mouthfull.

So my friends shortend it to Aad. Beeing not so high (5' 6") they also invented it to Aadje (Dutch for Little Aad)

And beeing a sailor for quite a time the following nickname was born: Aadje Piraatje And that's Dutch for Aad the Pirate.


As I told I was a sailor for about 45 years and have seen quite a lot of the world. After my retirement, now 10 years ago,I missed the sea dearly and what could I better do than buying a PC and follow all what was interesting for me and a lot of other old-sailors too as I discovered very soon.

What I also found out was that there were not only "nice" people on the World Wide Net, but als "bad" guys who tried to steal information from my machine just to use it for their own benefit.

Therefore I tried to protect my machine as good as possible I started, as so many with me, with a Norton product, gbut founding out that this program did slow down my PC very much I decieded a few Years ago to switch to Webroot.

So, that's how I came here.

For the rest I can tell you that I'm married now for 47 years, have three adult sons and a handfull of grandchildren.

Hope to stay at this community for a long time.


Aad the Pirate

BTW, please excuse my gramma,. As I found out my English is a bit rusty nowadays. 
Welcome Aad the Pirate! 


Don't worry about your grammar, many of us struggle right there with you (i.e. me). :robothappy:


I think that is absolutely incredible that you have been married for 47 years and I hope that I can have such a special marriage if I go that route!
Hi Aad


Indeed. Welcome to the merry (and some might say motley...;)) crew that is the Community Forums.


We can be boisterous, we can be fun...but most of all you will find this one of the most helpful places on the web.  So please do stay a while...or longer...and remember, this is not just the place for problems & issues...:D


Hope to see you around?





Hello Add the Pirate and welcome to the Webroot Community and congrats to your everlasting marriage!

We're glad to have you here. :D
Always nice to see fellow Dutchmen on this forum. :)


To continu on this pirate theme: Welcome onboard
Thanks to all for the warm welcome messages.

I'm a member of different communities, but it's the very 1st time that I got such a fine welcome.

I hope to stay around for a long time. and if I know the solution to anybodies problem (excl. personal and/or financial :manlol: ) I will share it with You all.

Tnx again

Aad the Pirate
Hello Aad_the_Pirate and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums.


And yes we are a great bunch here of Webroot Staff and us Volunteers! :D




Daniel 😉
Hello Aad_the_Pirate. From one retired sailor to another retired sailor, Welcome aboard the Webroot Community Forum. :D

I also miss the sea dearly. Makes me wonder if the ships that we were on ever crossed paths in those many oceans. I better stop here before start telling sea stories. lol ;)

Welcome aboard mate!  A lot of sea time here also.  Webroot is a smart decision.  I have had all the cyber security software out there at one time or another;  high end, low end and free.  Webroot is a cosmic experience.  I trashed four computers in the last twelve years in my learning experiences.  Webroot is SMART and the one thing I am able now to recognize in cyber security is SMART.  Webroot meets our deepest need ......the need to TRUST.  Webroot Community is the most well guided and informative .  I just hang out and read and learn.  My newest addiction.  See ya !
In God we Trust. For computer related attacks we use Webroot.
