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I started using Web Root this year and want to learn about it and how to get the best out of what is offered.

My computer skills are fairly good but I still can get stumped by something that should be simple. I am looking for help now. I hope someone out there can help me or at least advise me where to go for help. I use Windows Live Hot Mail and several weeks ago- after composing and sending two messages out- I got an error message, 3204. Can not send or receive... I have struggled with looking for an answer to fix this and it seems so many of the sites that offer support also want money.... It was suggested I disable the firewall- would that work? Any help is appreciated... Looking forward to learning from you all. Thanks, Carol
CAROL, please adhere to what TripleHelix asked you to do..

{We just wanted to check to see if WSA is the cause and if it is it's best to contact support via a Ticket. When you have time please let me know when you get WSA shut down and check your email if you get them them WSA is the problem and if not then WSA is not the Problem.}




WE need to resolve this from his support option above.. Hopefully I don't want to sound gruff do I? Please try to folow posts OK? Best Regards,Sherry 
@ wrote:

Ok- Daniel, Do I reset the account by adding a new one?

I do I remove the non working acct from WLM?

I was at Outlook and thought about making an acct. but they want me to sign on to Twitter- I do not wish that. I can't seem to satisfy Microsoft with a password and am having trouble with thaat situation.

HOw can you sign back into the original Hotmail acct if you have removed it? I am confused? HELP????

Thanks, Carol
This: Why are you having trouble signing in?
😉 Hey @ great link..Ill bookmark this one too..




Thanks Sherry...It's just that it is unlikely that WSA is causing any problems here (TH wanted to clarify that), so it is best for Carol to re-establish logging-in to, and then hopefully resolve this.
Sounds great..Appreciation for your link and support along with others. .
Hello you are right and we all agree that the direction to go is your link posted. So hopefully this will help Carol and others.

Best Regards

Thanks for the link Dermot!! :D
Thank you all for the help  today- I am sure we will get this resolved and Yes, I will post what the resolution was.

I did submit a ticket.

Thanks so much.

Hi Carol, Yes please post back to let us know so that we can help others with same or simaliar issues..



Best Regards, 


@ wrote:

Thank you all for the help  today- I am sure we will get this resolved and Yes, I will post what the resolution was.

I did submit a ticket.

Thanks so much.


You're welcome cjs. Thanks for letting us know.

Morning Daniel, I got a message from the WR COmmunity Team asking me if my problem had been resolved... and to mark one of the solutions as accepted. Well, as you know, The problem still exists and even with all the fine help- this is a tricky one. I don't know where to send the Community Team a e-mail so I am dropping this on you and perhaps you would know how to pass iton, please... I did send in a support ticket....... Forward!!! thanks, CJS




Edit to properly 'tag' TH.  @ 
Hello Carol,


Who sent you this message? "I got a message from the WR COmmunity Team asking me if my problem had been resolved .. and to mark one of the solutions as accepted" as you say the problem is on going are you getting any help from the support inbox? Also I do believe it's not a Webroot SecureAnywhere Issue so hopefully support can tell you that and seek the proper help from Hotmail now called here is the phone number & online Tech support




Daniel 😉
I think Carol is referring to the automated email that goes out remind you to mark an Accepted Solution.  It doesn't mean that the problem is fixed, but if you have some replies on your topic then it will remind you to go back and see if one of the posts solved your problem.
Thanks for the Clarification Nic!


Daniel 😉
hello Carol


I'm little voice, just to recap, you tried Windows fixit, issued a ticket to fix the problem with Webroot.  You can go thru Windows error codes to see yours, check to make sure all Windows updates are up to date. Mine didn't once I resolved that issue I had it back on key, I know you've been thru a lot sorry, we are trying all we know, Hope you are back on track soon.


Thank you for your time and have a great day 


little voice. 
Hello LIttle Voice,

 Thank you for your message... Yes, you are right, I have done all those things. I am hoping that the Web Root  Big Guys will be able to wave a magic wand... I am still thinking that the problem was caused by a sync issue in Hotmail with sending two messages out and the clock for some reason lost the corrrect time. We were away when this happened but still in the same time zone.


    We are getting ready to  go to WA state for the summer so life is a little hectic right now.  As long as I am getting into G-mail ok on that my travel computer, I am not going to fret for now... I will just tell my friends to e-mail me in g-mail.... Crazy situation- huh?


Thanks again.... I appreciate all the support folks have given me....



Hi Daniel, I am not sure who sent the message. Thanks for the number for Microsoft Support. I have tried to reconect to them thru E-mail and my pass word never seems to work. I have to resolve that too. As I told Little VOice- We are leaving for WA State and This has to go on hold for now... Thanks, and I will be back in touch. Cheers, CJS
