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Greetings to ya All...  I hope this finds everyone doing well, being happy and doing good things. 
Hello MC1-1xpert and welcome to the Webroot Community!


No need to 'bare with you', as we were ALL newbies at some point, and many of us (Including me) still learn new things daily.  Glad to see you here, and feel free to ask any questions at all!
Hi MC1-1xpert


Welcome to the Community Forums...:D


Completely agree/support what David has posted both in sentiment & is a great part of what makes this Community, IMHO, probably the best on the web.


Look forward to seeing you around.





Thanks everyone, I am looking forward to learning all I can and hopefully be a good helpful part of the good guys teams as well. I like most of us have very little time these days so I will try to make the most of my time and participate when I can.
Hello MC1-1xpert, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. 😃
Hi MC1-1xpert


You are quite right about time...but just remember contributions, be they little or large, are always welcome...and not just re. the product...check out the Techie, Security Industry forums, etc., and especially the Non-Techie forum.


We also aim to have a good laugh here and make friends.


See you around...I very much hope. ;)





Hello MC1-1xpert and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums!




TH  ;)

Welcome aboard!  We're a very friendly community, as you can see, and we're always looking for new folks who want to join, learn, and help others.
