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HOw do I install webroot on tablet. Please use laymans terms.Thank you


Welcome to the Community Forums.


First off we need to know what operating system your tablet uses, i.e., is it an Android, Apple or Windows device? We can provide specific advice once we have that information.


Regards, Baldrick


I am going offline now and as I have not heard back from you I will leave you with some basics to get you going on the basis that as you have not mentioned iPad you must either be using an Android or a Windows tablet.


So, if you tablet runs full Windows 8, 8.1 or 10 then all you need to do is to download the latest installer (Download a Copy Here for the Webroot version or for the Best Buy Subscription PC click HERE) and run the installer normally, making sure that you are connected to the Internet, have your keycode available and 1 free device left on your subscription.


If by any chance your tablet is one that runs Windows RT, then I am afraid there is no versions of WSA available for that flavour of Windows.


If however your tablet is running Android then what you first need to do is to check out which version of the Mobile version for Android you are entitled to install and run; please see this KB Article for details on this.


Once you have decided and downloaded it to your device please check out the following KB Articles re. (i) the freeware version or (ii) the paid version, depending on which you have decided you are eligible/going to use.


Hopefully that gives you the basics to get you started but if you have any follow up questions then please post back here and we will be happy to help.


Regards, Baldrick
