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I am running SecureAnywhere on a 4 Y.O. DOS 7 machine with 6 GB of RAM and an Intel i5 MPU with 4 processors. This is just one of three pieces of scan software that I have.
Hello swampfox and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums!


Can you give us more information on what your trying to say? It sounds like you have 3 Anti-Malware Applications do you have them all running in realtime or 2 On-Demand?




Daniel 😉
Hello swampfox. Welcome to the Community.:)
All three are constantly running in backround.  I use Norton which is on demand. But PC Utility Kit, Web Root and Super Anti-Spyware Professional.  The last one has a misleading name because it checks for virii and Trojans plus it automatically updates it's database whenever new definitions are found. 

Sometimes when I run Spyware it take as long as 2 1/2
All three are constantly running in backround.  I use Norton which is on demand. But PC Utility Kit, Web Root and Super Anti-Spyware Professional are the 3 running in background.  The last one has a misleading name because it checks for virii and Trojans plus it automatically updates it's database whenever new definitions are found. 

Sometimes when I run Spyware it take as long as 2 1/2 hrs depending on how many nasties it has found. If nothing found on my disks, it takes 45 minutes.
Hello Swampfox!


While Webroot does get along with other AV solutions, and many of us here do use more than one, most of us that do keep only one running active and keep the others disabled except to run a scan.


My own opinion is that anything that takes 45 minutes to scan with NOTHING found is an incredible waste of time and resources.  That really is the whole point that Webroot makes with being different: Cloud Based.  Has this software always been this slow and inefficient?  If the performance is degrading, taking longer than it used to, you may want to either remove it and re-install, contact the vendor about the slow scan time, or simply cease using it entirely.  I am guessing that a majority of the numberous 'nasties' that it does find are simply cookies, temp internet files, etc that can be cleaned out in other far more efficient ways.


A typical scan using Webroot will take me under 3 minutes... and my computer is 5 years old and seriously lacking in RAM and CPU power at this point.  




😃 Hello Swampfox, Welcome to the Community, Sounds like you have alot of protection going on with your PC. As @ saids you can use most AVs along side with WSA. I onlhy use WSA with Voodoo Shield and MalwareByets which suits my systems just fine. 


Anyways take a look around and enjoy yourself and we are glad to have you here. Keep a posting and keep us informed. We all work together as a Team and that works out for me.


Have a great day!!:D
Hi Swampfox


Welcome to the Community Forums...


I can only agree completely with David and what he has stated.  I personally used to run BOTH WSA AND KIS for realtime protection, and they played very well together in that time.  However, whilst KIS used to take an aged to do a detailed scan WSA undertook this far, far more alacrity.


I was evenyually persudaed to ditch KIS due to some annoying issue withthe 2014 version (since resolved BTW) but during that time I ran with WSA only as realtime protection, and MBAM Pro for on demand scans...and what a difference to my online experience...and I am better protected by WSA's unique ability to monitor suspicious files and roll back their activities as and when determined to be other securrity app does that .


Not trying to persuade you to change...just sharing experiences given that I have been in a similar position that which yo are now in.


Hope this is useful? ;)






