Introduction from an elderly new member

  • 25 January 2015
  • 2 replies

Good morning!
Elderly new member makes me sound archaic; it is technically correct but I still find it difficult to relate to.
I have worked with computers since 1985 when I joined DHL.   Today retired I still use them at home.
This qualifies me as a pc user, nothing else. My first home machine was in 1995, a Dan Computer
(now defunct) loaded with an F-PROT antivirus which came with a 3½-inch backup diskette! Since then
I moved to Bitdefender, Kaspersky, ESET, AVG and finally Webroot!  :D

Best wishes,

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hello Boyar,

Welcome to the Community Forum! Nice to have you here!

I believe Sir Baldrick has explained our Forum quite well and we hope to see you here with us whenever you feel like participating...

Thank you for your background history and don't be shy because we all are a friendly bunch!

Kind Regards,
Userlevel 7
Good morning Boyar
a warm welcome to the Community Forums.
Good to have you here.
If I may say so you do not sound archaic...well, at leat no more archaic than some of the other Community members, including myself, so you are in good company. :D
We are a varied bunch encompassing a wide range of skills levels both PC & Mac 'technical' and WSA 'technical', etc. and it is on that basis that we commune here. You will also find that many of us, like you, have usedmany other AS/ISs in the past but have now found and settled on WSA...for very good reason...;)
So please feel free to chip in as and when you can/feel able or just sit back and learn, etc.
But before I go may I just ask if you have perused the Community Guidelines?  If not then I would recommend that you do (here) as they will advise about how the Community is run/the principles that 'govern' us and that have made us the great place to be on the Web.
Feel free to come back her and pose any questions that you may have as a result.
