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Technically, I'm merely okay.

I've started getting many underlined phrases in sites I visit that want to redirect me. Often, just by clicking on a chat group to contribute, I get redirected to a stupid survey, Quibids, etc. What can I do? It's only on my PC, not on my laptop.

Thanks in advamce,

Hi MacBogert


Welcome to the Community Forums...:D


Looks like you have picked up what is variously called (depending on who you consult) a PUA (Potentially Unwanted Application) or viewed as a Browser Hijack/Redirect.


I assume that you are running WSA and if you have not already I would recommend a scan to see if anything is picked up by that and then let WSA try to take care of it.  However, from what I have read there seem to be a number of different ways that it can affect your system.  That being the case I would suggest that you also take a look at this KB Article on how to remove PUAs.


Of course if you do not feel comfortable with undertaking anything suggested in the article then DON'T, and instead Open a Support Ticket proviidng all the details of the issue and what yo uhave tried so far, and let the Support Team take a look.  They should be able to assist you.


You can of course also check on the Web for other advice (by Googling "how to get rid of quibids") and you will find plenty (Here is one example ) but initially I would stick with WSA/Webroot and see if they can resolve it for you.


Please post back to advise how you have gotten on...such feedback always helps re. other users coming here with the same or a similar issue...or if you need further help.






What's WSA?
Hi MacBogert


Apologies but I assumed that because you posted here you would be a user and thereforethat you would know the acronym for 'Webroot SecureAnywhere'; the application that this Community is dedicated (amongst other things ;)) to supporting, discussing, etc.


If you are not then my I recommend that you consider reading up about it; there is plenty of literature available on the website, or asking questions here, and then trialing it to see just how good it is...(I am biased, of course...:D).


Hope that answers the question?







