Meet Sean, a guy with a few questions...

  • 4 November 2015
  • 8 replies

First off, good morning from the KC area! I'd like to start off by saying that I've used several antivirus programs over the years, but Webroot is by far the best I've used. That said, I have a few questions and concerns in regards to what protection plan I've purchased in comparison to what I'm about to do (a clean install of Windows 7 on my PC). Thing is, I don't want to post questions in the wrong forum...and I admit my navigation skills aren't exactly among the best. So maybe I could be pointed in the right direction...?
And thanks for reading!

8 replies

Badge +8
Hi ?, Have you successfully found the answer to your questions? I always am left wondering how things went when the original poster never reports back in.  Any chance you could let use know how things are going?
It would cheer me up!  ;)
Userlevel 7
Hi DawgPoundDude
Welcome to the Community Forums.
As nobody seems to have yet done so I will point you at this page for the key differencees in the various versions of WSA...but as has been said before here...the version is material as all versions of WSA provide the same core and very comprehensive protection.
Regards, Baldrick
Userlevel 7
Badge +36
"That said, I have a few questions and concerns in regards to what protection plan I've purchased in comparison to what I'm about to do (a clean install of Windows 7 on my PC)".
It really doesn't matter which version of Webroot you are useing to do a clean re-install of Windows 7, in fact It is a good idea to disable or uninstall your AntiVirus Program prior to this, and then as the first order of business to re-install it.
Badge +8
Aha. See I learn something new everyday, sometimes I learn 2 things! 😃 Back to work. Have a great day.
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
And who better knows this! Can't tell you how many of my posts were indiscreetly moved. Thank you @
Nic isn't the only who moves them....   Wink WInk.  I move them pretty often too, and I am pretty sure Baldrick, Sherry, Daniel do as well 🙂
Badge +8
And who better knows this! Can't tell you how many of my posts were indiscreetly moved. Thank you @
Userlevel 7
?, Welcome to the Community!
If I may add, confusion as to exactly where in the Community to post a question is common, but do not worry about it at all.  We are a forgiving bunch and gladly answer no matter where you post.  Also, several of us have the ability to MOVE a post, and we happily do so without complaining or even commenting.
Any questions you have, just throw them out and we will do our best to help out!
Badge +8
@ wrote:
First off, good morning from the KC area! I'd like to start off by saying that I've used several antivirus programs over the years, but Webroot is by far the best I've used. That said, I have a few questions and concerns in regards to what protection plan I've purchased in comparison to what I'm about to do (a clean install of Windows 7 on my PC). Thing is, I don't want to post questions in the wrong forum...and I admit my navigation skills aren't exactly among the best. So maybe I could be pointed in the right direction...?
And thanks for reading!
Hi DawgPoundDude,
Welcome to the forum!
Am I reading this correctly? Are you asking which Webroot product is going to be best for your needs and your computer?
If so, I've found that the sales depoartment is very knowledgable in this area. If I misread, sorry. Could you write again and explain your needs?
PS It's still morning so I may be reading this wrong.:(
