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Hey Y'all!

I am new to Webroot and I have been trying to install a couple programs onto my computer but I can't.  I can download the file but it wont open and install.

One time Webroot popped up and said something, unfortunately I didn't write it down and I have a very bad memory, and then I could not install the program.  Please help!  Thanks in advance!
Hi hippokid


Welcome to the Community Fora...


Couple of questions to answer, please; what operating system are you using and which version of that, and what are the programs that you are having trouble installing?


Reason I ask is that I have rarely, if ever, found WSA to interfere with an install of another least, so far!






Hello hippokid and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums!


Read this:

Blocking/Allowing files


How to allowing file





Make sure the file is safe and will not harm your computer!


Thank you

Best regard, Petr.
That's true Petr but why do you have so many I don't have one? I get all my Unknown safe files Whitelisted via the support inbox.





Same here, Daniel...


and when I have had some files listed I cannot remember the last time that any were installers.  


If I list anything in here it is other apps that I want to make absolutely sure that WSA will not interfere with, i.e., VS, AXTM, and the like (even though the likelihood is so remote as we know that WSA prides itself on being very compatible).


So, hippokid, what are the apps that you are having trouble installing. :D





@ wrote:

That's true Petr but why do you have so many I don't have one? I get all my Unknown safe files Whitelisted via the support inbox.

 And you have the arrow pointing to the wrong point it should be pointed to the little wheel cog one down at PC Security!

Thanks Daniel!

I made a mistake, corrected the post.

I test a lot of programs => "you have so many"


For example: windows firewall control (binisoft)



Best regard, Petr.
I was trying to install an alarm clock and the program out of milk I think that's what it is called. I did get an alarm clock installed but if you asked me how I could not tell you and im not new to computers.
Hi hippokid


OK, so is your issue resolved or do you still have something that requires sorting out?





Well I have to say I have been soo busy with drs appt. That I can not remember the exact program. But it was some kind of alarm clock for my laptop. I did find one that I could install but I still dont understand. Isnt webroot supposed to keep a log of the programs and such that are trying to load on your computer and if so where do you find thia log? Thanks for all the help guys!!
I don't know if it has logs.
Hello there :)


Check the posts above, as there are some images that show how to find files that were blocked and set them to allow.


Webroot does indeed keep logs, however use of them can be difficult.  You can access them by opening WSA and clicking the gear tool next to Utilities.  Click the Reports tab.  You can save, and then open to read, both the scan log and the threat log.  The information you are looking for might be found in one of these.
I didn't know that.
@ wrote:

That's true Petr but why do you have so many I don't have one? I get all my Unknown safe files Whitelisted via the support inbox.



I also get all my unknown files whiteslisted, I ask the Support to whitelist my files, when they're beginning to appear in larger quantities or when I'm absolutely sure about the high safety level of new ones ;)

Currently all the files that I have are checked by the Support and marked as good.

So I'm just wondering whether it makes sense to add some applications to trusted, if you don't have any unknown files?

Maybe it's worth doing so for some installers or other security solutions, however I've got a fixed set of applications and WSA is the main and the only line of my defense ;)




In fact I now understand (and only recently found out) that when a Support Ticket is opened a copy of the latest scan log is automatically upload to Support so they should have all the details of what, how and when and be on it before even reading the title of the Support Ticket.


But I still like to cut and paste in the relevant log lines...just so I am clear as to what I have reported/am looking for them to review and hopefully whitelist, etc.







