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New to Forum

  • 21 December 2013
  • 4 replies

Hello! I have been using WebRoot products on my family's PC's for several years and have been well pleased. In addition, I recently obtained a MacBook Pro with Retina. Noticed that when Webroot was running the MacBook would shift from the low power Intel GPU to the higher power and performance Nvidia GPU. Since the higher performance GPU was not needed for Webroot software the result was annonying.... reduced battery life. Reported this to Webroot and they started working on a solution immediately even piloting a solution on my MacBook Pro. Now I can run Webroot in the background without it switching the MacBook to the battery hungry albiet more powerful Nvidia GPU. 

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi drhalw2k
Welcome to the Community of the nicest places on the Web. :D
Great to hear that Webroot Support came through for you...although not really a surprise to us here as we know what they are like...dedicated & effective.
Please feel free to post back here either with issues or experiences as and when required or when you can.  You will always find someone here ready to try to help.
Userlevel 7
Hello drhalw2k and welcome to the Webroot community! :D

It's great to hear that support was able to fix your problem so fast! As always, Webroot support is friendly, prompt, and helpful!

As Baldrick said, please feel free to post back at any time with either issues or questions or to share your own knowledge!

Userlevel 7
Welcome! Webroot has an amazing support system. Thank you for posting your experience with the support team!
Userlevel 7
Badge +4
Thanks for the great feedback. 🙂 I'll make sure the Webroot Support team sees it. 
