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  • 26 October 2012
  • 33 replies

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33 replies

Userlevel 6
Exactly, as you can see, I can only upload a url, not a pdf.  Also, I have no browse feature.  Now that's odd!
Thanks for the assist, TH.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Anytime! 😉 I don't think you can upload pdf's here only pictures?
Userlevel 6
My pictures are.jpg's.  However, when I capture a screenshot using Snagit I capture it as a Word Doc and then convert it to a pdf.  But s we now know, I can't upload pdf's to this site.  It needs to be in a url format, at least according to the software I have.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
My pictures are.jpg's.  However, when I capture a screenshot using Snagit I capture it as a Word Doc and then convert it to a pdf.  But s we now know, I can't upload pdf's to this site.  It needs to be in a url format, at least according to the software I have.
I don't I just save them as.png's which is default.

Userlevel 6
Well, TH, this whole thing leaves me baffled.  I think we need a Webroot tech person to sort this out.  Thanks for your input.
Userlevel 7
Hey RWM,
I responded to your private message and will provide you with an update when I know more. I have seen the standard image uploader and will know more about the version you are seeing tomorrow.
Userlevel 7
I figured out what the problem was. You'll be able to upload images normally now. Sorry about that!

Thank you for sharing the image. It sounds like if you proceed without uninstalling Webroot, you don't see the message again. I'll see if there's anything else we can do about that message on our end, but I'd suggest ignoring it for now.
Userlevel 6
Hi, Jim.  That's good news, and thank you.  Would you please explain, in this thread, what the issue was?  This is probably a learning process for several of us.
With regard to the Norton error message, I have not been troubled with it since the first incident.  I guess Norton blinked. ;)
BTW, while I have your attention, you may want to take a look at adding "pdf files" to the check list of items to be backed up.  Presently, you have to enter it manually.
