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New to Webroot and the Forum Community

  • 22 April 2013
  • 18 replies

Hello All!  I just purchased a 3-pc license for WSA Antivirus yesterday.  I will be running it on a 64-bit Windows 8 laptop, a 64-bit Vista desktop, and a 32-bit Vista laptop.  I have a question about what antivirus/internet security software runs the smoothest alongside WSA.  I know that it can run just fine by itself, and I may do that eventually.  But for peace of mind, I want to run it with something else for a while.  I trialed it with Comodo Internet Security 6.0 a few weeks ago, but I received a BSOD every time I tried to open Comodo's Virtual Kiosk.  Apparently, not compatible yet.  I also run Malwarebytes Pro in realtime, and use Sandboxie.  So what other programs do you all recommend from your experience that work well with WSA?

18 replies

Userlevel 7
Welcome to the forums!
I think this question will be best answered by some of our fans. I think MBAM Pro combined with Webroot is a nice setup.
Userlevel 7
Hello mhl and welcome to the Community!
I myself am only running WSA, but I have noted quite a few people that use WSA and Kaspersky together.
Thanks, Mike.  MBAM Pro is a given on all of my machines, the recent episode notwithstanding.  If I can pair it and WSA with one other product that works smoothly with both, that would be great.
I've heard great things about Webroot's support and the great forum community.  Looking forward to experiencing it for myself!
Thanks, David!
Userlevel 7
Hello mhl6493, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. :D
I ran MBAM Pro real-time with WSA for a long time without conflict. Until the MBAM fiasco last week. :S
Now I'm running just WSA Complete. ;) 
Thanks, ProTruckDriver.  Thankfully my computer was shut down and wasn't affected by the MBAM disaster.  I'm still running Pro, but I unchecked the option to automatically quarantine any threates that are found...
Userlevel 7
Hello mhl6493 and welcome to the Community.

WSA is very strong itself and can be used alone as it's the fastest, lightest and most effective security solution.

But if you wanna run it alongside another app, TrendMicro Titanium, Emsisoft and Avast products run very well.

Best Wishes,
Userlevel 7
Please let us know what you try out and how you like the combination.
Will it be Kaspersky/Webroot/MBAM?
Userlevel 7
Hello mhl6493 and welcome to the Webroot Community!
Just to add my experience. I was a NIS user for ages. Later (a couple of years back) I added Prevx because I was impressed by its technology and approach to security (cloud). In the course of years Prevx transformed in to WSA (after Webroot acquired Prevx) and I was still using NIS together WSA until Norton released NIS 2013 what is by far the worst NIS since 2006 or 2007. So I gave up on NIS and stayed only with WSA and I had not any security issues yet.

While I was always an advocate of the layered security I have to admit that running WSA alone is really more than enough. WSA is so powerfull standalone solution that adding another security solution is of no help. Surely, it's your choice but believe me in fact there is no need.
Thanks, Amit and Pegas.  I may wind up running WSA by itself eventually.  It's methodology is so unique that I'm still kind of cautious at this point.  I'm sure my trust will be built as I go along.
Mike, I tried it along with the Emsisoft Internet Security pack (EAM plus Online Armor) last night.  I had to remove OA, however, because it just bogged my whole system down.  Slowed everything to a crawl.  I like EAM, but it too seemed to slow down browsing - especially in Comodo Dragon and Chrome.  I may try WSA with KIS next.  And I'm definitely running it with MBAM Pro, no matther what else I use.
Thanks again for the replies!
Userlevel 7
Thanks for the feedback. You may be cautious but definitely not afraid to run just WSA alone.

If you give it a try to KIS, be sure to exclude WSA in KIS modules but that also applies to MBAM Pro (real-time protection). Having do so, you should avoid potentional system lockups.
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
Mike, I tried it along with the Emsisoft Internet Security pack (EAM plus Online Armor) last night.  I had to remove OA, however, because it just bogged my whole system down.  Slowed everything to a crawl.  I like EAM, but it too seemed to slow down browsing - especially in Comodo Dragon and Chrome.  I may try WSA with KIS next.  And I'm definitely running it with MBAM Pro, no matther what else I use.
Excellent! I hope you find the perfect combination. I encourage you to watch this video for a few more insights into our journaling and remediation technology.
What If Webroot "Misses" a Virus?
I should mention that I'm running WSA on my Windows 8 64-bit laptop at work alongside Symantec Endpoint Protection with no issues.  I'm not a big fan of Symantec, but it's provided through my employer. 
Userlevel 7
No problem - we have a "no-haters" policy and take a more relaxed approach. We let our software do the bragging. 😉
Userlevel 7
You're welcome. It's good to be cautious at first. You'll learn to trust WSA as go more into how WSA works which makes it the fastest, lightest and most effective security solution.

Hmm.... I had tried EISP and WSA. There were certain conflicts between OA and WSA as both offer exact features in some areas. But EAM ran smoothly with WSA. I did not find EAM slowing down my browsing. In fact some time ago I had suspected WSA to be slowing my browsing.:D I'm a big fan of Emsisoft, TrendMicro and Webroot.;)
Thanks, Amit.  I'll probably try EAM again.  It's a great product.  The slowdown seemed to be especially pronounced when I'd open a browser (particluarly Dragon and Chrome) in Sandboxie.  I made sure that I had EAM checked on the compatibility list in SBIE, so it should have been fine.  Maybe it had something to do with MBAM running in realtime as well.  Maybe it's just because the laptop I was trying it on is about 5 years old.  I don't know.  I'll give it a try again in the next 30 days. 
Userlevel 7
EAM should not be slowing down browsing. Some users say it's kinda heavy on system but browsing slow? Nope. And I ran EAM and sbie only for many months. And MBAM could not be the cause as it has no module that offers browsing protection and would conflict with EAM. MBAM checks process executions and ip addresses.

But I'd suggest not to give yourself a hard time. I always try to advocate - to each his own. You should go for whatever suits you. Just try out other apps and see what you feel runs smooth. Keep it simple.:)
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Hello mhl6493 and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums. ;)
