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Hi everyone, just discovered Webroot and signed up, still exploring but so far looks good
Hi stewart45


Welcome to the Community Forums...:D


Glad to have you onboard.


You should find this Community an excellent resource in terms about learning how to use and get the most out of WSA...and hopefully having some fun at the same .


Should you have any questions or issues then do not hesitate to open a thread in the appropriate forum or add to an existing one...and there should always be Community members and Webroot staff around to try to help.


Let me know if you need any base information to be getting on with and do not forget to check out the Knowledge Base (see top of any web page for the link).


Hope to see you around.






Hi stewart45,


Welcome to the Webroot Community!!


I hope you are a satisfied WSA user and you will stay with us for longer :D

If you wolud like to know something more about WSA and how does it works please look at these examples:


Cloud Anti-Malware vs Traditional


Why Traditional Antivirus is failing - Webroot Webinar


BrightCloud Security Services - Overview


What Happens if Webroot "Misses" a Virus?


Of course please feel free to ask and share your thoughts with the others.




Howdy stewart45....great to have you with the Webroot community!
Hello stewart45. Welcome to the Community.:)
Hi stewart45


Welcome to the community, hopefully you will enjoy it as I do. It's great learn as you secure, and feel the security working. Thank you for your time and have a great day!


Thank you,


Little Voice
:D:D Welcome Stewart45, Great to have onboard!! You are going to really like here thats a promise!!





;)Miquelle, Great links..well done ..I'm booking marking those!!:D
Thanks Sherry!!




Best wishes :D


Miquell, so pretty!

Best wishes,

