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i keep my magicjack connected always but sometimes webroot wont scan at scheduled time until i disconnect majicjack or restart computer. how do i fix???????? magicjack is allowed.
Hello analyst, and Welcome.


I am not too familiar with Magicjack, but wonder if it operates in fullscreen perhaps?


 This may help, and let us know if it becomes resolved please.


Open WSA

Advanced Settings


Remove the check marks for "hide the scan progress window", "Do not perform scheduled scans when a full screen application or game is open"



no, operates in the background
Hello and Welcome to the Webroot Community!


I remember someone having issues with Magic Jack but can't find it so it would be best to Submit a Support Ticket and they can look at your logs and maybe they can see something which can help you! Was there a new software update recently?




Daniel 😉
