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Hello, I just recently purchased Webroot and it works great! The only real problem I have encountered so far is the "security setting" blocking an applet in an online class I am taking. I don't want to mess up the settings but I need to allow the applet to pop up to do the project. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!


Is it the Website being blocked or is the online class using some sort of Java app that is being blocked?
It is a Java app that is being blocked. ( sorry for the delay...had to go to work.. and off again ..)
Hello dent_man60 and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums!


Are you using the latest Java update? Please see here: and any other info would be helpful!


Also here is the release notes:




TH ;)
Hello Dent_Man60 and welcome to the forums.Just a quick question.What browser are you using?Certain browsers implement java a bit differently.I have heard of a few issues with Firefox.Under addons-plugins in firefox,the java processes should be listed to ask to activate.In internet explorer-manage add ons-toolbars and extensions-isinstalled class should be enabled..the java plugin helpers can be disabled.And if you're using Chrome type the following into the address bar chrome://plugins

then check and make sure java is not disabled.Also,some ad blockers also block java apps,so sometimes you have to shut them down temporarily or set up exceptions in them if the program allows it.Best of luck.
OOPS.Almost forgot to mention.My wife is working on her bachelor's in web design at University of Phoenix and i know their pages and ecampus page are having some issues with the latest Java update as they have posted a notice at their log in page.I did further research to determine that quite a few online college websites are having issues with the latest Java updates.AT this point,from what i've seen,it's up to the colleges and whoever is maintaing their sites to get things working properly again.It defnitely is not the fault of anyone's security solution as from what i've read as it seems to occur irregardless of what a/v was or wasn't running.I would contact your school and inform them,if they do not already know.
I have seen a few cases of this and its not actually Webroot but a combination of the latest update of Java and Firefox blocking Java applications. You either have to allow the Java app to run from the control panel or use another browser. In regard to the OP problem can you reply with the Website in question so I can have a look?
Thank you to all for their responses! I don't believe this is a Webroot problem but, I came here hoping someone could help. The website I am having trouble with is  It is not an overall problem but, specifically one application where a graph is supposed to load and is not allowed because it is "untrusted". I went into Java and put this site in for it to be allowed and that didn't fix the problem. I'm not 100% sure it is a Java problem either. When the graph tries to load it is definitely the Java symbol but I'm not sure the pop up box is from Java. Not sure if this helps as far as figuring out what is going on. I also contacted my instructor to see if anyone else is having this problem. Thanks again for all the responses!!!
I`ll have a play with it and see if I can replicate the issue. Java is a real mess these days with all the attention it gets for security vunerablities so its getting locked down and thus loads of things down work. Fun!


That website is quite large can you narrow it down to a specific link that isnt working?
I can probably chime in to say what's really happening.


From another source I learned that in the latest Java update, Oracle instated a requirement that all java applets need to have been digitally signed. If they don't the applet is blocked.


They did warn about this happening in the previous version, by stating a warning that this was going to happen. Some fixed it, so didn't. Now with the update going out to enforce the requirement a lot of "older" applets are no longer working.


There seems to be a couple of "fixes", but they all require you to lower the "security" of java.


Only real way to solve it is to wait for an updated applet to be created by the developers.


Java was the culprit. I lowered the security settings to Medium and the graph would load. There was still a pop up but I was allowed to RUN the app by choice. Thanks to all for your input on this!!! I know where to come to for Good advice now.
