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Triangle on internet internet icon bottom right corner

  • 1 March 2016
  • 1 reply

I am wondering if you can help me.  I have an internet connection but keep getting a yellow triangle on it.  Everything goes into slow motion and disconnects me from the internet.  I have done a virus scan and nothing.  Tried all sorts of checks to no avail.  Please can anyone help me.  I have some computer experience but I am far from a wiz!  Right now it's working but in the next minute it can be down again showing the triangle.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Hi brenda234
Welcome to the Community Forums.
It sounds to me as if you are just having connectivity issues and therefore you should be checking with your ISP to see if they are aware of any issues with their service.
However, you could try before that, to turn off your router, wait 30 seconds and then switch it on again...that should force it to sever the link with the ISP and reconnect...hopefully with a most stable connection. If that does not work then you should contact you ISP.
Regards, Baldrick
