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Good Morning, Happy Saturday, Sept 1,2012


New Community User Mike B here in the great state of Kansas.


My wife and I have started a new home based internet business.  We have quickly discovered that access to the internet and a good running PC network is absolutely critical.  In fact, these have become our "Achilles Heels" so to speak, one for our right foot and one for the left. LoL.


Quick General Question for the community, When running a PC scan via webroot, Is it best to be Online and connected to the internet network or Offline?


Blessings my Friends,


Hello Mike B and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums!


To answer your question is it always best to scan when online as WSA is a full Cloud Based solution and the Client checks with the cloud to see if there is anything marked bad on your system after saying that you can do offline scanning and just say that you got and infection via a USB memory stick or some other source WSA would start journaling everything the infection is doing and when you do go back online WSA will check with the Cloud and if the infection is Marked Bad it will remove the infection and everything it has done to the point before the infection because of the journaling it was doing! There is allot to say about WSA and it's capabilities as you could adjust the settings if your offline allot, for a good read have a look at the online Help File even though the GUI has changed the settings are basically the same.





As TH said, Webroot SecureAnywhere's strength lies in connecting with the "cloud". If you have a broadband connection, you'll most likely be online 24/7 anyway. If you do go offline, for whatever reason, WSA will still protect you.


And welcome to the Community Forums! 🙂
Hello MBinKS, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. 😃
Welcome MBinKS....I hope you enjoy your security protection with WSA and the Community is always ready to assist!  Always happy to see another Big 12 member....from here in the other Great State...Texas!
