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what is the blue screen of death with bsod error 333 all about?

  • 18 February 2016
  • 1 reply

Hi there....first time this aggrevating error message

what is the blue screen of death with bsod error 333 all about?

also, new to windows 10...did the free upgrade...hmm..was that a mistake or not? I welcome your humble opinions..thanks!

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Hi ElectricChick
Welcome to the Community Forums.
If you are seeing random a “BSOD: Error 333 Registry Failure” pop-up are you also seeing a request that you call a phone number (1-844-552-7825) to fix your PC?
If that is indeed the case then it is likely that your computer is infected with an adware or a PUA (Potentially Unwanted Program).
Please advise back on this important point as the answer will govern the advice we can provide.
Regards, Baldrick
