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What should be the best against solution unknown threat

  • 12 February 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi hope all you are good. I am new here and i am truly irritated now  because of unknown threats calls on my  laptop as i used many things for security but still  i am afraid of being destroy by an cracker. As we used door locks in our homes but still there are chances to enter the thief in our houses because they know all the tactics to open the closed door. They are the best locksmith service provider they can make duplicate key in no time or break the lock immediately.  So how we can safe ourselves from cracker when our security service provider is with the cracker. So what should be the best way to make ourselves safe. I am worried about it.

I am waiting for the reply from community members please reply me as soon as possible . I have lost my website data. The cracker attacked  on my laptop and theft credentials details of my site.

As you have stated, you have added protection against attacks, but yes, it is not completely foolproof.  One of the best protections against virus attacks or ransomware attacks is a good solid backup. I recommend two actually. One locally, say to an external drive that you disconnect after each backup. I recommend daily backups, but weekly may suffice if you do not make a lot of changes on your machine. I also recommend an offsite backup program like Carbonite. I also find that Dropbox is a reasonable solution as well. They will backup your files to the cloud. Should you machine be attacked and data destroyed or locked up. you can restore it from the local copy if not attacked, or from the cloud copy if the local copy was also compromised.  

Webroot sales can help you wth proper virus protection, and they also sell Carbonite (which I use) as an cloud backup program. You can also investigate other cloud solutions to see how they compare. 
