Where in this forum can one make a statement regarding Webroot?

  • 23 April 2015
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 2
Don't know where to go with this, maybe somebody will put it in the right forum. I just had a REAL problem with Malware grabbing my PC and wouldn't let go. I was using Kaspersky at the time and it just kept getting worse. Didn't know what to do. Then I remembered I purchased a Webroot package with my PC when bought at Best Buy. I figured might as well give it a try. Un-installed  Kaspersky and installed Webroot anytime or something like that. What a dream, found all the bad stuff, got rid of it and so far hasn't come back. Webroot is #1 i my book and had it once before and replaced it with Kaspersky. Back with Webroot and will stay permanent. Don't complain about Webroot, it really does the job and does it well, see ya, Ken

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +3
Hey.....'just wanted you to know that I can relate to what you wrote in your post, and I really appreciate what ya said about W/R. I certainly agree with ya.....this is the BEST A/V program I've ever known 🙂 !!!
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
You've found the right place!  Thanks for the kind words and glad to hear Webroot was able to sort things out for you.
