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This is the first community that I've joined into.  I am more or less a novice with computers; but decided to try to get help wtih this problem as its becoming a pain to always have to give permission for my antivirus to run each time that I turn on my pc!  I'm thinking of trying to re-install webroot to see it it will help.


Ron G.
Hi rgarman


Welcome to the Community Forums.


This is a known problem that has been fixed at the v9.0.7.46 release of WSA. This has only occurred recently and so been fixed recently and it may be that you have not yet had the latest version 'pushed' to you.


Please check to see what version you are on (you can hover your cursor over the notification tracy icon for WSA and a bubble should appear with those details in it) and if not on v9.0.7.46 then please right click on the icon and select the 'Check for updates' option to initiate a manual update.


Let us know how it goes and what your status is re. this one.


Regards, Baldrick
