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I have used Webroot's anti-virus software for a long time. My license is expiring so I purchased a one year, three computer Webroot Anti-Virus DVD from Amazon. Amazon described the software as the 2019 version but what arrived appears to be the 2017 software due to the copyright date and the package cover which shows that the software was a PC Magazine choice 19 times while the latest package shows it was an Editor's Choice 21 times.

So, if I install the 2017 software sent to me by Amazon, will it automatically upgrade to the 2019 version of the software or will I be missing features of the newest anti-virus software? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

It doesn't matter as Webroot dropped the year so once you got the PC version installed it should be this version: PC Agent Version and it's always up to date.
Thanks, Daniel.

@Davefr instead of using the CD or DVD just use this link to get the latest version anytime:

