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SecureAnywhere™️ Mobile for Android


Version (Released July 27, 2012)

  • Enhanced Potentially Unwanted Application (PUA) detection

  • Improved call blocking

  • Bug fixes


Of particular interest to Community members in this build is "improved call blocking."  While we were able to cut down the response time for the block function by a few fractions of a second, it's possible the phone might still ring before being blocked.  There are legitimate reasons for why this issue might still occur, and they involve technical limitations.


Key factors can include:

- The amount of activities running

- Whether or not more than one call blocking software is installed

- How fast the phone itself is in general

- If the phone's ring tone is long, it seems to take longer to activate.  Conversely, if it is very short it tends to ring a bit quicker.

- Some ringtones may have a few fractions of a second of silence at the beginning of them, whereas others don't.


Furthermore, Webroot will respond a little slower than other apps because those other applications are not as robust.  For instance, we test for "unknown" callers and block those if that preference is set.  As this is a matter of milliseconds, this additional action does add to that millisecond count.  There is additional logic in the program for supporting some devices that many other call-blocking apps may not support, and this also adds to that millisecond count.  So while this has been "improved," it's not exactly "fixed," but it can't exactly be "fixed" due to the technical limitations present.  I hope this explanation is helpful to anyone still coming across that issue.
Thx Jim for the announcement.


New build .3559 has been released on 31st July containing bug fixes.
Indeed, our developers worked extra hard over the weekend to pack in a few more bug fixes in time for a release of yesterday.  Nothing major to report in that build.
