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An interesting article which will bring back memories for some of you.


Risking toxins and madness, we unbox and install a 20-year old Internet suite.

by Sean Gallagher - Oct 17 2014



A few days ago, my wife messaged me a photo from a thrift shop with the question, "You want?" The picture was of a box of software still in shrinkwrap—SPRY Inc.'s Internet in a Box for Windows 95.

The answer was an obvious "OMG YES." I reviewed Internet in a Box back in 1993 when it was first released as an early adopter of independent local Internet dialup (using David Troy's Toad.Net). I spent endless hours connected with the software and my very first laptop PC, pulling down Hubble Telescope images from the Space Telescope Science Institute's Gopher server and raging at Usenet posts. Just the sight of the logo caused a wave of nostalgia to wash over me. It was a simpler time, a somewhat less user-friendly time. CompuServe was still a thing.


Full Article
Hi Jasper


Thanks...good find...whilst I do not have any memories of that precisely it does bring back memories of similar such 'treasure trove' finds over the years.


And I suspect that there are many more just like that still lurking out there, including some for Community memmbers...wouldn't it be a fun idea to see if we could find some and get them checked out?


Regards, Baldrick
What we need Baldrick is for members go hunting in their cupboards to see what they find, I am sure they will come back with some real goodies.
Indeed, Jasper...sounds like an excellent you want to start an appropriately titled thread in...say the Techie Forum...and set some rules as to what can and cannot be included?


I can probably, given a day or so to go through boxes, find an old AOL Cd, and maybe even an old IE 4 Cd as well 🙂
That sounds promising, David...I am sure that I most probably have a copy of MS Fury on CD somewhere stashed away, not to mention some floppy diskettes with with a copy of MS-DOS...but I wonder if anyone has an original distributable of Netscape Navigator...the Daddy of then all...;)
@ wrote:

Indeed, Jasper...sounds like an excellent you want to start an appropriately titled thread in...say the Techie Forum...and set some rules as to what can and cannot be included?



Good idea Baldrick - done.
