Webroot® SecureAnywhere™ - Antivirus for PC Gamers
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does my webroot protect me against vipersoftx
Hello! I bought a new laptop through BestBuy. With it, came 6 months of Webroot Antivirus. However, every time I try to activate it, it does not show up as an actual product. BestBuy couldn’t help me, so I decided to purchase Webroot on my own. However, when I tried to purchase WebRoot’s “Antivirus for gamers” using this link; Antivirus for PC Games Without Performance Impact | Webroot ; I was hit with a “cannot be processed” error which told me to try my purchase again. So I did. Again, same issue. However, my bank was charged for the original $29.99 cost. Why do I worry I am getting scammed while trying to buy a product promising to help me prevent scams? Please help me figure this out, as it is incredibly frustrating now having to wait for my claim with my bank to finish while still needing anti-virus software. I have been told WebRoot is the best, which is why I am here. But now I am having seconds thoughts.
How can I hide my Webroot keycode so that some one using my laptop cannot copy it and start using free AV from you guys since its a code for 5 devices?
So I bought a new PC from BestBuy a couple years ago. At the time they offered a WebRoot Secure Anywhere Internet Security for just $10 extra. I said sure why not. I never got to use it because I still has a subscription to Kaspersky. My current AV subscription is ending and I was going to purchase WebRoot based on reviews and I remembered I had this CD case in computer desk draw still sealed and never used. I downloaded WebRoot from the link inside CD case and entered the key, and it says its expired. I never used the key or ever installed Webroot.I looked all over the case to see if it says “this product must be used by X date” but there is nothing. I just spent 30 minutes waiting for BestBuy support and then it said “agent ended chat” after I explained. I had to wait again another 20 minutes and after talking to agent for 5 minutes and getting no answer they signed off.I should get my 1 year subscription if I paid for it.
how do i remove Webroot's browser extension from Firefox and new Microsoft edge, the option to remove/disable is greyed out
Hi all, I’m at a bit of a stalemate trying to change some of the settings on my Webroot SecureAnywhere Endpoint. Any time I try to change anything, it tells me that “SecureAnywhere is currently being managed by the Web Console and all changes need to be applied centrally.” So under My Account I click “Access Web Console.” This brings me to an account creation page, but the product keycode that is automatically entered is incorrect. When I try to copy the keycode from my account page, it tells me it can’t copy because it’s hidden. I do see the option under my settings to uncheck the box that says “hide keycode” but of course, I need to do that from the web console, which I can’t get to without my correct keycode. How do I break out of this?
I’ve checked “Do not perform sceduled scans when a full screen app or game is open” in Settings/Scheduler/Scan Schedule. But WR is still scanning while running a game. I don’t need to say that it causes high CPU and disk usage. How’s that possible. And I have Webroot for PC gamers edition.
I have Red Orchestra 2 through Steam. With Webroot turned on, I cannot see the list of multiplayer servers. When I turn off Webroot, the list populates as normal. When I turn Webroot back on after connecting to a server, the game continues to run fine. This problem appeared perhaps 2-3 months ago - before then, Webroot, Steam and Red Orchestra 2 did not cause problems together.