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GameGuard and Webroot issue

  • 23 October 2013
  • 8 replies



I just took part of the Webroot community, so I'm pretty new here.

I hope i'm on the right place for my problem.


I'm a user of Webroot, ofcourse.

I'm a gamer and I use to play Online games.

I recently re-installed my windows and all software (inc Webroot and the game(s)).

Now, when I launch one of my games I can normally log-in, but after 1 minute GameGuard (the game's security) give's an error.

Whenever I turn off Webroot it works.

I never had this problem before.

I already contacted Webroot itself, in order to ask if there is any possibility for adding the Game's folder to exclusion/exception.

They explained me how I can add Files to exclusion/exception, but they told me it's not possible to add whole folders.

Since GameGuard doesn't run in standard .exe form, I cant simply add it...

The game contains a thousends of files. so it'd be ridiculous adding them 1 by 1 to the exclusion/exception.

Thanks in advance.


Daan de Vries

8 replies

Userlevel 7
I saw your ticket in the support queue but I wasnt working on it. Let me see if I can find it
Userlevel 7
OK I have sent you a request for some logs so I can see what Webroot is doing.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Hello 7daan7 and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums. 

Roy will fix you up!
Userlevel 7
Hello 7daan7, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. 😃
Userlevel 7
Hello 7daan7. Welcome to the Community where everyday is a new learning experience.:)
Userlevel 7
Hello Daan, I got your message but I dont see the logs on our FTP site. Can you follow the instructions I sent to you.
Yes yes!
I'm at work I'll do it as soon I arrive home ! 😛
Userlevel 7
Got the logs, I have whitelisted a lot of Gameguard software in our database and did a large amount of other whitelisting. See if the instructions I sent helps.
