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Introduction from a frustrated user!

  • 23 October 2012
  • 8 replies

Would like to contact the Webroot people but can't figure out how to do that. I had to do a reset on one of my cell phones and I need to verify that that cellphone still has webroot coverage. It won't accept the key code I was assigned. How do I contact tech support for help? I also need to add another cellphone to my coverage. Oh, and by way of introduction, I am a senior (turn 60 in a week or so) professional person residing in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Just returned with my wife of 41 years from several days at the Pacific ocean. I've been using Internet for years but never have gotten into any "techie" stuff; I leave that to the people I pay to know that stuff! Blessings! Psychodan

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Hello Psychodan,
Welcome to the forum!
Contacting Webroot Support:
1. Open a Support Ticket
2. Call Support: 1-866-612-4227
3. Post your question here on the Community
I recommend doing a fresh uninstall/reinstall of the SecureAnywhere app if you did a reset on your phone. You can uninstall the app if it is still present by tapping the Android menu button while in the app and then clicking Uninstall. Then go to the Google Play Store on your device and install the SecureAnywhere Complete app and enter the keycode I send you in a private message. ;)
You can have 3 devices and 3 computers so feel free to follow the same instructions and use the same keycode on the new mobile device.
Userlevel 7
Hello Psychodan, Welcome to the Webroot Community Forum. :D@ wrote:
Oh, and by way of introduction, I am a senior (turn 60 in a week or so)
Happy Birthday Psychodan. I turned 60 two years ago. LOL. I Iove being a senior. (All the discounts, they all add up) 😉
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Hello Psychodan and Welcome to the Webroot Community Forums. ;)
I am frustrated beyond belief!  I spent years in sales and was taught to make it easy for the customer to buy from you.  Webroot in surrounded and embedded with circular BS that only provides a "template" answer that is no answer.  No phone number to contact anyone.  I have actually purchased a renewal TWICE in the last two days trying to get my sub. extended.  I orignially got a conformation email showing a new exp. in 2015 but can't find it.  I have spent hours trying to get this situation resolved, am now down to 2 days left after renewing twice. I did the second time becuase i thought it would be easier than trying to sort to sort through the BS and jump through the hoops that lead nowhere.
I either want all my money back and will go back to another provider or somebody to get this right!
Userlevel 7
Hi basicbob101
Welcome to the Community Forums.
Sorry to hear about your hassles...this is most unlike the renewal process as far as I have heard or experienced it...but there are aleways exceptions. ;)
Let's see if we can attract the attention of one of the very helpful Forum Mods @  or our also very helpful Community Manager @ to see if they can help or suggest an alternative avenue to resolving your issue.  Though it would be helpful if you could open a Support Ticket, as previoulsys uggested by MikeR, as thereafter there is something to track when following up.
Thanks in anticipation of your continued patience in this matter.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
I am frustrated beyond belief!  I spent years in sales and was taught to make it easy for the customer to buy from you.  Webroot in surrounded and embedded with circular BS that only provides a "template" answer that is no answer.  No phone number to contact anyone.  I have actually purchased a renewal TWICE in the last two days trying to get my sub. extended.  I orignially got a conformation email showing a new exp. in 2015 but can't find it.  I have spent hours trying to get this situation resolved, am now down to 2 days left after renewing twice. I did the second time becuase i thought it would be easier than trying to sort to sort through the BS and jump through the hoops that lead nowhere.
I either want all my money back and will go back to another provider or somebody to get this right!
Sorry about that Bob.  I've put in a request for our support to contact you and get this sorted out.  My apologies!
Userlevel 7
Hi Nic
Thanks for the very quick pick up on the tag...let's hope that the Support Team can sort Bob out in short order. ;)
Userlevel 4
@ wrote:
I am frustrated beyond belief!  I spent years in sales and was taught to make it easy for the customer to buy from you.  Webroot in surrounded and embedded with circular BS that only provides a "template" answer that is no answer.  No phone number to contact anyone.  I have actually purchased a renewal TWICE in the last two days trying to get my sub. extended.  I orignially got a conformation email showing a new exp. in 2015 but can't find it.  I have spent hours trying to get this situation resolved, am now down to 2 days left after renewing twice. I did the second time becuase i thought it would be easier than trying to sort to sort through the BS and jump through the hoops that lead nowhere.
I either want all my money back and will go back to another provider or somebody to get this right!
Hello Bob,
My name is Shawn and I am one of the sales team at Webroot. I am very sorry that you are having problems with this and will do what I can to help you get it taken care of. I see that Nic opend a support ticket for you and I have responded to it. It you could sir please read it and get back to me so that we can get this problem solved for you. Thank you and I look forward to working with you on this problem.
