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MRG Effitas Project 37 – MRG Effitas Time to Detect Assessment Q4 2013


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Congrats Webroot!

Why to test -SoftSphere (which only works in x86 systems) firewall and SurfRight HitmanPro (scanner)

For example HitmanPro has no protection in real time)

@ wrote:

MRG Effitas Project 37 – MRG Effitas Time to Detect Assessment Q4 2013


Direct Link to the PDF:



Thanks TH. Yes, a fine performance from WSA here, and the variation amongst the top performers was fairly insignificant, and initial detection by WSA was very good.

I believe WSA's performance in tests like this will continue to improve, most directly as a result of the full implementation and leveraging of the Webroot Intelligence Network | Webroot BrightCloud ,

and the product itself's continued unique and inimitable way of progress in its development.
Hi Dermot


You are quite correct re. your assertion but I also think that this is also in part due to the fact that the testing agencies (for want of a better collective noun) are changing the way they test to recognise/cater for the way WSA works...which we all know is very different to the more tradtional AV/IS approaches around today.


And that can only be a good thing IMHO.





@ wrote:

Hi Dermot


You are quite correct re. your assertion but I also think that this is also in part due to the fact that the testing agencies (for want of a better collective noun) are changing the way they test to recognise/cater for the way WSA works...which we all know is very different to the more tradtional AV/IS approaches around today.


And that can only be a good thing IMHO.






Indeed, you are right Baldrick, for if it wasn't for the great, ongoing work that Webroot has been doing with the various Testing Agencies, to develop a fair, accurate and suitable test basis in which WSA can participate, we wouldn't have seen this at all.


In any case, all these tests have their varying methodoligies etc. etc. and, in reality  represent only one point of view, in a sense, and as many of us have been able to point to the indistibutable fact that in the Real real world usage 'tests'

users just aren't getting infected much at all, and WSA is doing a first class jub in protecting them.,
Pertinent post from the man that knows best: Wilders Security Forums - View Single Post - Why is Webroot no longer on the AV-Test tests


It was because HTTPS and Should be HTTP so the link now works. TH
Now, that is interesting, Dermot, as when I follow the link you have kindly provided I get the followng message from IE :S:



There is a problem with this website’s security certificate.



 The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority.    

Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.


We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website.

 res://ieframe.dll/green_shield.pngClick here to close this webpage.

 res://ieframe.dll/red_shield.pngContinue to this website (not recommended).

 res://ieframe.dll/down.pnghttps:///t5/forums/editpage/board-id/Announcements/message-id/1884/is-draft/javascript:expandCollapse('infoBlockID', true);
same result just now in chrome, interesting.
I fixed Dermot's Link above!


Daniel 😉
here's the link to the whole thread, so you have some fo the backstory to that individual post
Thanks TH and Chris19delta, and sorry Baldrick, I hadn't thought that it would need a 'cunning plan' for access via creation of an exception (having read details etc...and it being Wilders). Http in future, but I'd always use Https if available and working ok.

Hi Dermot


Absolutely no need to were doing us a favour by providing the link...and these things do happen.  Glad that the 'A-Team' has been able to sort it. :D.


A very interesting link...BTW.





Congratulations Webroot. It is great to see it tested alongside the other vendors now and getting great results as well. The tests now that get done will be a lot fairer to Webroot and it will only become more and more popular as people see the advantages of it.
