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Managing the day-to-day activites of an online community is a big task, and many people don't realize how much work goes into it until they try to fill a Community Manager's shoes for a day. Moderating, informing the members of news and company updates, responding to questions, participating in conversations, and recognizing rank achievements are just a few of the tasks involved in a day in the life.

So on this official holiday (follow #CMAD on Twitter to see more CM love!), I'd like to thank Jim!

Jim, thank you for all that you do for our Webroot Community! We appreciate you and look forward to the future of this great community!

I join in congratulating you Jim and expressing a big THANKS for your endless support :D
Well this is a nice thing to see when starting off the morning!  Thank you Cat!  :)  I'm pretty sure I'm not the only community manager on this forum though, so you should take a bow as well. ;)


This is a great community to be a part of.  It's full of interesting, knowledgeable people, and it always has something fascinating going on.  My job is typically made pretty easy thanks to our wonderful moderators and super-users and the general helpfulness of the rest of Webroot as well.  This isn't a one man job, but luckily there is a strong group of people around, always ready to help out, whether it's for answering feature requests, accepting bug reports, responding to support questions, helping out with site coding, moderation, and everything else that goes into this role.


It's good to be here, and I'm looking forward to many more years to come as the Webroot Community Manager!



Thanks everybody!
Congratulations, Jim! Thanks for all the help to support our fantastic Community and its members. Your dedication and efforts are invaluable.


Three Cheers and a Hip Hip Hooray!  I am still fairly new here, but I recognize all the efforts that Jim, and the others put in.  Thank you all!
Congratulations Jim and Thank you for all the help and support on the Community Forum. 😉
Congratulations Jim we appreciate all the work you do on the forums and helping members with there issues!




