Purchasing Webroot WiFi Security
Thank you for your interest in purchasing Webroot WiFi Security. Purchasing is possible from webroot.com directly, the Apple app store or the Google Play app store.
You can purchase for all device types through Webroot.com. If purchasing from a mobile device, select the appropriate app store for the device you are using. Regardless of purchase method, you will be able to download the app for any supported device you intend to use with WiFi Security.
To purchase through Webroot.com:
1. Go to https://www.webroot.com/us/en/home/products/vpn-wifi-security.2. Select the number of devices and click Add to Cart.
3. Provide email address, first/last name, address information, a method of payment, (CC or PayPal), then click Buy Now.
4. A receipt will be mailed to the purchaser’s email address. This receipt will include:
- Invoice number and billing information
- A link to create and register the required Webroot WiFi Security account, a required step before WiFi Security can be used
- A link to the download page for all platforms
To purchase through an app store:
1. Go to the mobile app store for your device.- Apple app store for iOS
- Google Play app store for Android
3. Download and install the Webroot WiFi Security
4. Click the Start My 7-Day Trial
5. Select a plan (3 or 5 devices, monthly or annual billing, auto-renewing) and tap Confirm Plan.
6. Confirm the subscription by:
- Tapping OK on iOS devices
- Tapping Subscribe on Android devices
- Invoice number and billing information
- A link to create and register the required Webroot WiFi Security account, a required step before WiFi Security can be used
- A link to the download page for all platforms