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Webroot recently surveyed more than 200 MSPs around the world to gauge their phishing awareness and learn about their clicking habits. We thought this was important to do because of the pervasive misconception that endpoint security and a firewall are sufficient protection from online threats. But cyberattacks are increasingly interpersonal affairs, and hacking the human is often a more surefire path to success for cybercriminals.

The results of our study show that, while there's still a need for awareness of that fact, many organizations are catching on. Here's what the data tell us about the problem and how it could be solved.

Click on the attachment below to view the full infographic!


Did anything surprise you? Let us know in the comments below.  

But I only ever wanted to win a MasterCard with millions of dollars on there 😂😅

I’m surprised the percentage isn’t higher.

at least the 71% shows they knew they should not have clicked and are lying to the survey.


I’m not clicking on that attachment, you could be phishing me.

Don't be a happy clicker!

at least the 71% shows they knew they should not have clicked and are lying to the survey.


Sure, but then again, 76% of all statistics are made up!  😃

Wow, This is super informative. Thank you for sharing.

Would be good if this kind of article could be whitelabelled

The security awareness training tool in Webroot is a good feature, but translating the examples is very cumbersome.

We are finding that with the newer requirements of Cyber Insurance, that Security Awareness Training is more and more becoming an insurance requirement. We also use these sorts of infographics for sales material in selling managed security services. 



But I only ever wanted to win a MasterCard with millions of dollars on there 😂😅

Don’t we all!

I just found a old  emailmessage from 2005 from chief Oempaloempa of a tribe in Kenia. I wonder if he still has the same emailaddress.

We are finding that with the newer requirements of Cyber Insurance, that Security Awareness Training is more and more becoming an insurance requirement. We also use these sorts of infographics for sales material in selling managed security services. 



Agreed. We keep getting asked to assist clients with their Insurance and SAT is always on the list. Most insurance providers even state that antivirus alone is worthless for protection.

I just found a old  emailmessage from 2005 from chief Oempaloempa of a tribe in Kenia. I wonder if he still has the same emailaddress.

I wondered what happened to him!

In our organization we’ve found that the security awareness training is extremely valuable. The proof is in the results that are easily printed for the client. It isn’t as easy to sell though. The best time to offer it up is when you’re called in to clean up an end user’s computer because they clicked where they shouldn’t have. 

Security awareness training is quite valuable. I think it should be included with all support services offered by MSPs.

Security awareness training is quite valuable. I think it should be included with all support services offered by MSPs.

I cannot agree more on this. If you are a clever sales person, you should work the cost of this into the product on a monthly base, and then just provide this as a value added service. 

Security awareness training is quite valuable. I think it should be included with all support services offered by MSPs.

I cannot agree more on this. If you are a clever sales person, you should work the cost of this into the product on a monthly base, and then just provide this as a value added service. 

Best way to do it. Make SAT mandatory.
