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Internet Policy Enforcement

  • 2 November 2012
  • 0 replies

Did you know Webroot Web Security Service (WWSS) can do internet policy enforcement?


If you're an IT administrator looking for ways to lock down your internet use policies, you should consider trialing WWSS.  Not only does it enforce internet use policies for PC's, it can also enforce policies for mobile devices and Mac's.  And because it's a proxy system, it can even protect devices when those devices move off-network.  You don't get that out of hardware solutions.


Taking advantage of the world's largest URL database, WWSS groups websites into over 80 categories and subcategories that can be locked down or opened up to groups of users as you see fit.  Are your employees looking at productivity-draining websites at work or going shopping online all day?  Not anymore - and not even mobile users.


Naturally, one category of websites you certainly don't want your employees visiting is malware hosts.  One of the main perks of having Webroot as your internet policy enforcer is that you get to take advantage of the world's greatest malware defense network.  If an employee attempts to access a compromised website, that website is checked against our database, and access is blocked if the website is a known threat.  Advanced heuristics provide a secondary layer of coverage to protect against zero-hour threats, whether they are JavaScript, Shellcode, XSS, Adobe PDF, or phishing attacks.  Content can be filtered by file-type and file-size as well.  It will even block ads while allowing the rest of a page to display properly. 


With WWSS, you're blocking malware before it ever even gets to an endpoint, while also increasing the productivity of your workforce.


Don't take my word for it though.  Just ask some of our customers.  For instance, take a look at the attached case study.  System One Services has been using WWSS since 2010, and they are loving it.
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