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Webroot users, this survey is for you!  This 9 question survey should take less time than one of our blazingly quick scans.  Please take a moment to provide some quick feedback to help us improve.  Thanks!  :cathappy:


The survey will close Sept. 20th.
Who was using SecureAnywhere 3+ years ago?

Someone needs to sanity check this survey...
Thank you for pointing out the error Explanoit! We have fixed this. :D
@ wrote:

Thank you for pointing out the error Explanoit! We have fixed this. :D

Errors in a user survey are a lot better than errors in the actual code.  Thanks Webroot for such stable and reliable coding and protection.


I filled it out!
Survey completed!
Due to the fantastic response rate that we've had, we are going to close this survey at 5:00 pm MST today. Thank you all for your responses, we really appreciate your feedback!
