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We're revamping and expanding our beta tester program, and as such we're looking for more people to join.  If you're interested in helping us test out new builds for bugs and issues, please PM me or request access to the group here.  


Thanks in advance!
OK  Nic, I will start on this as soon as this problem I am having now with pop up messages is straightened out, because I have been trying all different options and webroot has been removed numerous times, and wright now webroot is removed and windows defender is on, but waiting on answer from Daniel to see if he wants me to try another antivirus to see if the same thing happens when windows defender is turned off and temp antivus is on,  thanks Scott.
Hi. Was wondering if the beta test program is still available. If so could enroll? THANKS!

sorry for my english
Hello, I would like to participate in your beta program ...

It's possible??

Thank you
Hi lobo001


Welcome to the Community Forums.


That should be possible...but it is up to our Community Manager ? to decide as to whether to admit you to the group. ;)


I would just counsel that you should not undertake beta testing on your main system as whilst WSA betas are generally very stable it is just possible that they could cause an issue and as such you result in data loss, etc...unlikely but always possible.


If you do get to beta test then I would recomend that you do not do so unless you have the ability to backup/image your system regulalrly as a precaution against the aforementioned possible issue a beta can cause. ;)


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
Yep we still have room - I'll send you a keycode and an invite to the beta group.
Me too if it all possible?


Sure thing - I'll send you a keycode.


Can I be included in the Webroot AV Beta test?


The beta is full for now so I'm not adding any more folks until we get some attrition of current beta testers.
what a shame I was about to ask if i too could apply , to become a beta tester for webroot. well maybe I will get lucky soon and become enrolled! cheers! 😉
Hi Starrchild1976


Welcome to the Community Forums.


As with all betas the WSA one goes in waves and therefore will no doubt become active again at some point, yet to be determined, in the future. So keep an eye out on this thread and who knows. ;)


Regards, Baldrick
Hi Baldrick! thanks so much for the warm welcome! I am a patiënt person and my motto in life is " all good things , to those who wait " so I am confident this will happen to me too ( one day 😉 )
The Beta Group is full and closed for new members!
We are OPENING up the Beta group again! We're specifically looking for Mac Beta testers to start. 


If you are interested in helping make our Mac product even stronger please contact @, @, or me.


How it works:


New Tester


  • We will send you a private message with a keycode and installation information
  • Testers provide product feedback via the Community Beta Group
  • General feedback to let us know if Webroot is working as designed
  • Specific feedback to any questions posted by Webroot on the Beta Community
  • Testers will continually receive any Webroot product updates made during the testing period
  • System requirements match our current product
  • You may leave the beta by uninstalling Webroot at any time
Existing Beta Tester


Click Here
Since this thread initially started back in 2014, I wanted to create a new one that you may find here:


I will be turning off all commenting on this one and all future new Beta tester news for 2017 at least, will take place on the link to the thread above. 



hey iam interest t00 can i get this invite code?

i am opened the url can not get access


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