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We're participating in a beta test with Lithium of their new Profile Plus feature.  Lithium acquired the company Klout, which measures your participation in various social media channels and gives both a score measuring your influence as well as indicators of what your areas of interest are.  It's a voluntary, opt-in system, so you have to participate with Klout to give them that information.  They've now given you the option to integrate your Klout score, should you so choose, with your community profile.  Again, this is entirely optional and you can control your privacy within Klout.  Here's some more details about how Klout and the Profile Plus work.  

What is Klout?


Klout is a social measurement platform that calculates your overall social media influence based on your posts on websites you’ve connected, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and now the Webroot community. Your Klout “score” is a numerical value between 1 and 100 - the more influential you are, the higher your Klout Score. You can choose which social networks and communities you want to connect to your Klout profile.


How do I join?


Community members can join by using their Facebook or Twitter logins. To connect your community account to Klout:

  1. Go to your own user profile on the Community. (You can do so by clicking your own username anywhere in the community.)
  2. Mouseover the number beside Klout icon and click on 'Get your score". For example:


What is in it for me?


Klout helps people showcase their influence in social media and get more recognition for their expertise. By connecting your Webroot profile to Klout you will receive insight about your expertise and raise your profile in the community.


New to Klout


  • Showcase your community knowledge across the your social network
  • Be known and recognised for your expertise
  • Grow your Klout score in the community and have your contributions reflected in your Klout score
  • Access curated content from Klout in your areas of interest (Be in the know)
  • Easily schedule & share content curated in Klout across social platforms
 Existing Klout User:


  • Connect to the Webroot community and add to your Klout score
  • Be recognised for your additional areas of expertise
  • Extend your reach and relevance across your Social networks
  • Feature your Klout score on your Webroot community profile
Here is an example of how your Klout score and related information may appear:


Can I control what Klout information is displayed on my profile?


Yes, you control the information that's displayed on your profile, such as topics and influencers.  It’s your choice which networks Klout can access.  You can opt-out at any time.

Refer to Klout for additional information and the Klout privacy policy.


Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback!
I must have accidentally clicked on something when checking my Webroot Community profile, becasue I received an email thanking me for participating in Profile Plus. I clicked on the link to opt out, but I do not use Facebook and just opened a twitter account a few days ago. It probably shoud have been clear to me how to opt out, but need help. Thank you!
Hello @,


Please have a look here


Part way down you will see the OPt out link.


Follow the the instructions given.


Hope this helps? I opted out awhile ago...
I think it worked. Thank you!
Great! You are most welcome! 🙂
