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Note: This is a slightly outdated thread about the VIP program. For the most current information, please see official VIP Program page here. Thanks!


Thanks to feedback on the VIP Program from our Community members, we have made a few changes and added some exciting new rewards! If you are unfamiliar with the Webroot VIP Program, please see the original post here. For those of you who are at Frequent Voice and above, look for a PM from me about your new rewards. I am excited to see what you all think of the changes!


I have to admit... the more I think about it the more I would like the Gold/Silver/Bronze/Etc rank on th patch......   🙂


How about Webroot Mouse Pad? Simple, yet makes sense 🙂
@ wrote:



How about Webroot Mouse Pad? Simple, yet makes sense :)

I agree and a picture of the Gamer version would be very nice! :)


@ wrote:

@ wrote:

VIP Embroidered Patch:


I recently threw out the idea of a hoodie, but what about an embroidered patch, of the same sort that is on the caps and laptop bag?  Those that have a jacket, shirt, etc etc would like to apply it.   I have jackets and hoodies that I could place a VIP patch on (And thus covering up some other marking that I really do not care about like a shwoosh looking thing.. who cares about that!?)


What do you all think?

And a follow up question to this - would you all want one that says "Webroot", "Webroot VIP", or your specific rank (e.g. "Webroot Gold VIP")?

I think simply Webroot VIP would look great.
