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I've searched thru this site and read old messages but haven't found the answer I need.  If I've missed it, please forgive the duplication. 


My web consiole says I have six computers protected when I really only have three protected.  The other three are older machines that no longer exist, and were replaced.  I cannot find a way to remove them from the web console with removing ALL of my computers from the list of protected computers. 


Admittedly I don't really understand the purpose of the web console as I should be able to do most things from my devices.  For instance, Webroot is telling me that settings are being managed by the web console so that any changes I make on the computer will be changed the next time there is a database communication.  What the heck?  I'm the administrator.  I didn't change anything in the web console.  Why is it the boss? :D

The web console lets you be able to keep track of your computers and to see if you have anything to worry about on them. It is a wonderful tool if trying to help your grandma because she thinks she's infected. And as far as removing, I'd assume you remove a computer by removing webroot on that computer.
If you want to manage your machine from the machine directly, put the machine in the policy "Unmanaged" this will allow you to manipulate WSA like you can on the consumer versions directly from the taskbar agent.


If you want to remove machine, go to "Group Management". Find the machine you want to remove and mark the checkbox in front of that machine (and that machine alone). Now in the bar above the grid you'll have the option to "Deactivate". Use that to remove the license from the machine.
Thanks, but since those old computers are no longer operable, that isn't possible.
Thank-you very much for your advice.  I don't know how to "put the machine in the policy 'unmanaged.'"  Is this done from the web console or from the device console?  Getting to the web console is suddenly a royal pain as instead of logging in, I am taken to a "register new account" page everytime, and not until I fill that out am I taken to my web console.  I hadn't been on the web console for a while and this is new.  Surely that can't be right?


I hav saved your advice on how to remove the unwanted machines once I figure out a sensible way to get to the web console.  As a long-time user of Webroot, and a fairly long user of Webroot Secure Anywhere, I'm a little disappointed with their online situation right now.  Even their forum isn't intuitive to me, and I have been using online forums since about 1991. 


Anyway, thanks again.  I'll figure it out.
