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Wait a Minute, the Community Looks Different!

Hello Everyone!

You may notice that the Webroot Community looks different today, as we have rolled out the first of several improvements. The most immediate changes you’ll see are updates to the overall look and feel of the community. This cleaner and more modern design update ties into the overall aesthetic that you’ve come to know on our main site, I think where you’ll notice the biggest change is on the homepage:




Here are some of the other changes we’ve made:


  • Moved to a responsive design – the page will adjust when viewed on smaller screens
  • Updated header with clearer links instead of icons
  • Updated font and colors to match the site
  • Added a search bar at the top of the page

We are constantly striving to make this an even better place for you to ask questions, get answers, and discuss ideas.


I hope that everyone enjoys these changes. Please share any feedback you have with us and we will keep you posted as we work through more changes to help with the organization and navigation. This is just the first phase of many in what will be an ever evolving community.

61 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
@ I sure do although hadn't noticed until you pointed it out. Same on Android with Firefox but Brave browser shows normal.
Thanks for the Confirmation! 😉
Userlevel 7
FYI: Safari on Mac is double too. ;)
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
FYI: Safari on Mac is double too. ;)
Very odd as to why some browsers render the site fine and some don't. Thanks Buddy!
Userlevel 7
Badge +54
Yes I am seeing 2 as well.
And yes @ I agree it could do with being smaller, I am hoping it is one of things they will be addressing in the next few days though.
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
Sorry, but I like old one. This one is too overwhelming.  I don't think I can follow it.
Just give it time buddy you will get use to it! ;)
I don't think so....   Whenever I logged in [before] there used to be a sub-heading : Notifications
This is no longer there. It would tell me in an instant which threads I had posted in, and any changes since the previous time I had logged into the community.  That was on Thursday,  and now it is gone. 
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
@, and @
I find the large font to be overwhelming and especially when using an Android when accessing the WR Forum. 
I would never try to access the WR Forum using my Moto G3. It would drive me insane.  All that scrolling back and forth, just trying to peruse the content.  I must use my XP desktop or Surface Book laptop.
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
I'm sure there will be many changes to come as Anna and Drew pushed this out late Friday so we will wait and see what they have to say tomorrow. ;)
I know what I would say.... 😉   quelle horreur
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Hi Tarnak,
Well all we can do right now is wait for Anna and Drew to clear up any bugs and adjust things here on the new Forum layout. So I hope it all gets sorted after this long weekend. 😉
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
Hi Tarnak,
Well all we can do right now is wait for Anna and Drew to clear up any bugs and adjust things here on the new Forum layout. So I hope it all gets sorted after this long weekend. ;)
As long as it isn't 'assorted nuts', mixed nuts  or I am going nuts. 😉
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
Hi Tarnak,
Well all we can do right now is wait for Anna and Drew to clear up any bugs and adjust things here on the new Forum layout. So I hope it all gets sorted after this long weekend. ;)
As long as it isn't 'assorted nuts', mixed nuts  or I am going nuts. ;)
You are always cracking jokes in here...making the best of it all! 😉 ROFL
Userlevel 7
Hi Sherry, 
It is the only way to cope, for me.
But, I am 'quacking up' about the way the quotes don't stand out, anymore. opposed to 'cracking up'.  :D
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
@ with Firefox do you see 2 tops and 2 bottoms of the Community? With IE, Edge and Chrome it shows normal.

I discovered that the log in at the very top of the screen is for the Webroot Console. I know, useless information. Can't stop this attention to detail syndrome that I was born with.
I am driven to detail, too. I suffer from 'perfectionist syndrome'. :D
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
@ with Firefox do you see 2 tops and 2 bottoms of the Community? With IE, Edge and Chrome it shows normal.

I discovered that the log in at the very top of the screen is for the Webroot Console. I know, useless information. Can't stop this attention to detail syndrome that I was born with.
I am driven to detail, too. I suffer from 'perfectionist syndrome'. :D
Same here and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
Badge +8
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
Indeed, Daniel
That is ture. Just canvassing views as to whether it is worth raising the font size with them or not. Do not want to waste their time if I am the only one who has a slightly negative view on whatios currently in place.
Regards, Baldrick
I have also noticed that when replying and quoting a previous post as I am doing here, the new message is not as obvious as it used to be. Much like before, I think the quote needs to be in a box of some kind.
Also, it would be helpful to have automatic spelling corrections, rather than having to click on ABC which we clearly all don't always do!
I agree Nemo. Also there is little space between the quote and the reply. I find myself adding spaces in manually. Hope this is addressed in the new phases. A box is a good idea or maybe shade the quote or highlight the reply. Anything to differentiate between the two would be helpful. Ok, I just posted a reply to a reply and if the poster does not sign off, it is really hard to tell who wrote what. (And I added spaces)
Userlevel 7
Yesterday, I got four email notifications for  @tMc9072 's  post to this topic .  Wondering what caused that to happen.

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
Yesterday, I got four PM's for  @ 's  post to this topic .  Wondering what caused that to happen.

PM's or emails? If a person does many edits you will get an email for each edit. Only if your in that thread in which you are. Or for every new post in this thread.
Userlevel 7
Dan, I have amended my post, while you were posting. 🙂
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
Dan, I have amended my post, while you were posting. :)
Yeppers I can read your mind. 😃
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
Dan, I have amended my post, while you were posting. :)
Yeppers I can read your mind. :D
That is why you are the Webroot Community guru.  :D :D
Bug (relating to new Webroot Community Forum format??):
When I try to click on the "read more" link to expand the Knowledge Base article on Webroot uninstallation, the article refuses to expand.
Badge +8
Hi Tarmac,
Daniel is correct. When I posted the reply, it looked too close to the post before it. I did edit it a few times, apparently.:$ I added more spaces for ease of reading. Sorry for the emails. You can shut them off, if you prefer. I like to get them as I am not always available to go online.
PS Had to edit this one too. Should have used spell check.
@ wrote:
@Yesterday, I got four email notifications for  @ 's  post to this topic .  Wondering what caused that to happen.

Userlevel 7
Anybody noticed that in the Messages Centre the actions when clicking on these options seem to be least to what I would expect:

So, if you click 'Next' one would expect to see the next more recent message in the inbox, and for a click on 'Previous' one would expect to see the previous message to the one being viewed? But it seems to me that the fucntionality is reversed.
Can anyone confirm...or not?
Cheers, Baldrick
Badge +8
Hi Baldrick,
They were always that way. I thought it was backwards also but I never mentioned it.
Userlevel 7
Well, be that as it might...and I am not sure that is what I remember from the old UI, the current approach is not logical, and counter to the way that most other system I have come across, worked on or designed have worked.
But perhaps it is only me? :@
Badge +8
Down another road. In the messages, it shows the number of messages, then the number of messages unread is the exact same number. Which of course is untrue. I think they may have a few bugs to work out still.
