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This is a weekly highlight of the best articles and news going on in the Community.


See any stories that catch your interest? What would you like to see in the future? Let us know in the comments below!




@TylerM spoke to 9News Denver recently about malware vulnerabilities on popular social media platforms like Facebook. 


Tyler mentions to be on the lookout particularly from suspicious Facebook Messenger campaigns that look to be sent by your friends that only says, "Check out my image". These images aren't what they seem to be and upon clicking on such images, you'll be potentially harming your private information in the form of ransomware. 


For a more in-depth look at this type of social media attack using Facebook Messenger, be sure to read Tyler's latest post and we'll see you in the comments! 


Check out the video here!




Product Update: Security Awareness Training


New Admin Features, Courses, and Templates


This week's release of Webroot®️ Security Awareness Training brings a variety of significant enhancements, including:

  • Delivery Randomization for Phishing Simulations – randomize the delivery of phishing simulation emails to more accurately reflects real-world attacks 
  • User Import using LDIF or CSV via Secure API – leverage new options to securely import user lists for training
  • Easier Image Upload and Management – more easily manage images to be used in email, web training, and phishing templates via our new image uploader/selector
  • Automated Reminders – set start/end dates to automatically send daily or weekly training reminders
  • New Training Courses and Templates – take advantage of new courses, email templates and web lure page
For more detailed information on all of these new features, read the full Product Bulletin 




New malware from this past week


We've seen a few new threats arise over this past week, here's a look at what's on the horizon of cyber security threats:




Thanks for your feedback on DNS Protection! - A word from Kiran Kumar


"Hi everyone, 


I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone for their participation in the community - your inputs, kudos, Q&A, feedback, etc as I sign-off being your friendly PM of the month


It was great to engage and interact on DNS-P related topics. I especially appreciate everyone who is actively engaging in posting feedback ard feature requests,roduct help, beta program. I am happy to say that several of the DNS-P feature requests logged here are actively being developed (Wildcard support, device policy, site based blockpage, etc) so continue to use the community to make your voice heard.  


We tried live Q&A for the first time and I thought it was a good first attempt to engage in real-time chat.. time just flew by. For consumer version of DNS-P, we are actively assessing and consumer PM team will be in touch shortly.


Once again, Here’s a quick recap on Webroot DNS-Protection (DNS-P):


  • DNS is a phonebook for the Internet and DNS-P Security & Web Filtering service enables you to control this address book by setting acceptable usage policies for your network. 
  • DNS-Protection is completely cloud based and is easy to install (at the network or roaming devices) and deploy (matter of minutes) and managed/configured via the same console (GSM or Global Site Mgr) used to manage your endpoints today. Single pane of glass and automation.
  • Having an accurate and most comprehensive Threat Intelligence is critical for a service like DNS and it is exactly what you get with Webroot DNS-P which relies on predictive real-time Threat Intelligence by BrightCloud - A trusted Industry leader in the network/security industry for 10+years.  

Look fwd to conitnuing our conversations and I urge you to leverage our community and our friendly community admins will make sure its heard.


Thanks and until next time."

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