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At one point, it seemed that phishing was receding to the status of a minor issue threatening only naïve consumers. But a new version has emerged, fueled by new cybercriminals and new phishing techniques.


New types of phishing campaigns are particularly worrisome for businesses because:


• They are aimed at businesses (including small and midsize businesses) rather than consumers.

• They evade traditional antivirus and antiphishing products.

• They can fool even security-savvy computer users by using information gathered from social media and other web sources.

• They often target employees with access to the most sensitive information, such as bank accounts, customer lists and intellectual property.

In this white paper we will:

• Summarize the decline of Phishing 1.0

• Discuss how phishing has turned toward business and become more costly

• Outline the structure of new Phishing 2.0 attacks.

• Delineate how the new campaigns evade standard antiphishing countermeasures.

• Describe how web security services with real-time antiphishing capabilities can protect against Phishing 2.0 attacks


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